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Best Shemale Porn Sites & Tranny Sex Videos
Mr. Porn Geek’s Shemales, trannies and ladyboy porn sites delights!
Did you hit this page after looking on Google for the best tranny porn sites to find hot porn of shemales getting fucked in their little tight butts? Well I’d like to welcome you to MrPornGeek and tell you that if you’re interested in good quality tranny pornography where the best asses in the shemale porn world get fucked, you’ve come to the right place.
See, what I’ve done is joined up to a number of these premium ladyboy sites (that require money to access) on behalf of all of my readers to ensure that they’re getting a top deal whenever they sign up. Note that in the course of writing these reviews on transsexual porn sites, I spent around $1,000 or so on 35+ sites that all focus on the niche of transsexuals getting fucked. I’ve managed to bring down the number of those sites that I’d recommend to just a handful, because I really care about making sure anyone who comes to Mr. Porn Geek genuinely receives a good deal if they’re paying money.
For that reason, I hope you enjoy reading the reviews of my top tranny sites and consider signing up to them if you think they’re worth your time. I’ll personally vouch for all of these destinations and honestly, if you see something you don’t like, just get in contact with me and I’ll be sure to remove any site that isn’t living up to expectations. Thanks a lot, dudes – enjoy all of the tranny porn!
What makes a good tranny website?
There are lots of factors at play when it comes to deciding on what a good tranny website is – Mr. Porn Geek happens to be something of an expert in this domain, so don’t go thinking that these are just any old websites which don’t manage to deliver the cream of the crop where stellar shemale porn is considered. Your boy looks at dozens of different metrics to ensure that you’re getting something that we’d all consider to be high-tier action. Finding the best shemale porn isn’t all that easy with you if I’m honest, nor is hunting down shemale porn sites that give you what they promise.
Still, Mr. Porn Geek is here to assist and will go all-out to ensure that you’re fully satisfied with what you get at the end of the day. Did you know that I look at hundreds of shemale sites on a yearly basis to put my little collection together? That’s right – the best shemale porn site list is a labor of love and it often requires me to work for insane hours doing insane things. That’s fine though, just as long as everyone has their best tranny porn collection – I don’t mind!
You’re dodging the question Mr. Porn Geek!
Fine, I’ll tell you the recipe for my secret sauce; since you’re so damn insistent on knowing what’s what when it comes to shemale websites and grading them. First things first: these places have to have decent quality and decent quantity. I’m not big on promoting websites that have 10 videos which are only available at 360p: I much prefer hundreds of uploads and being able to watch them in full 1080p HD resolution. One thing you can count on is that if you enjoy high definition shemale sites, I’m going to give you exactly what you want with this little list. The shemale websites I promote also have to be easy to navigate so that even if you’ve only got one hand available, it’s possible for you to go through all of the pages with ease.
Now you’re probably thinking: “why does Mr. Porn Geek care about tranny lovers with just one arm? Those surely can’t be too common!” – I’m doing it because some people like to jerk off while they surf, obviously! While I’m all about assisting those who are disabled, I can fully appreciate the need to have one hand on your cock and one hand on your mouse when running through the best tranny sites I’ve cooked up on this list. While you might not think that at the moment you’re the kind of guy to bash your bishop while just looking at some sample content, the red-hot recommendations I’ve provided to get you the best tranny sites around will no doubt have you massaging your sausage in an instant. Such is the ability for me to hunt down great shemale websites: I do it better than the rest and that’s saying something.
Are you really the king of this type of thing though?
Hell yes I am! Mr. Porn Geek has made it his life’s mission to understand and interact with every single porn community so he knows what everyone is on the prowl for. For you, this means that you receive some great shemale websites and content that makes you bust a nut in a matter of minutes. I’m not happy until your pork has been pulled over and over again – hell, I want you to enjoy this transsexual XXX entertainment so much that you come back to me begging for some product to relieve your cock from all of the attention it’s getting. You’d be surprised just how many guys end up going crazy for the porn sites I recommend: they soon realize that in the shemale porn site world, few are capable of giving recommendations quite like I am. Mr. Porn Geek is the geek of porn for a reason: he knows his stuff and he’s going to make sure you get the tranny action you want.
Will these shemale websites cost me cold, hard cash?
Some will, absolutely – that’s the thing about this kind of adult entertainment, you’ve got to pay in order to get yourself the best of the best. Don’t worry though, I’ve peppered in some free streaming platforms for those who like webcams and tube sites too so it’s not like the only choices you have require a credit card to get the ball rolling. I know plenty of you have money troubles and want to save a buck or two when it comes to tranny porn – who am I to judge? Just be sure to do me a favor in return – bookmark this page and come back whenever you need some advice on good transsexual porn.
If there’s anyone who understands great transsexual porn better than me also let me know – I don’t think anyone has the quality or quantity of reviews that Mr. Porn Geek is bringing to the world for this particular niche. People seem to think that ‘long live the queen’ is an important thing to say: what about ‘long live the geek’? I do more work in the adult entertainment industry than she ever will! Not bragging or trying to make it a competition, but come on, we know who’d win that little battle.
What else do I need to know about these reviews?
Probably the most important thing to remember is that these have all been hand-written to ensure that you’re getting a proper deal. I don’t want to promote trash transsexual porn on my website, which is why I won’t! I’m the real deal and I won’t compromise on my professional ethics – you’re getting my god’s honest opinion on the best websites out there and I want you to know I take this type of thing incredibly seriously. There will be a cold day in hell before you see me promoting something that is well below my expectations and standards. Sounds silly, but I don’t promote trash and I never will! These best tranny sites are my favorites for no other reason than that they deliver what they set out to deliver: good quality transsexual porn that anyone can enjoy no matter what.
So there you have it – Mr. Porn Geek’s reviews on the shemale sites he highly recommends you visit and enjoy whenever you have a spare moment to do so. Be sure to tell your friends and come back again soon whenever you feel the need to get your hands on yet more delicious transsexual smut. Also just before i’m about to leave you folks; i do have a few special games and even gay games that you may want to consider checking out if your into that kind of thing :)