The World of Porn (a look back in the categories of porn by MrPornGeek)
BACK TO HOMEIt used to be a taboo topic to discuss, known about or even use and consume. Now porn is everywhere, and it is becoming more mainstream and acceptable to like porn, use porn and even be in porn. But what is pornography? What is the actual definition of porn? What kinds of genres and types of porn are out there for people to view? This is going to be a porn guide that will go over everything from the basics to the weird and niche categories. Porn is a lot older than we realize and the history of porn is rich with knowledge and art.
You have probably watched or seen porn, you may know what it is. But what is porn really? That’s probably a question that everyone has asked themselves at least once or twice. Are the books my wife reads porn? If that naked chick posing sexy on the cover of a magazine considered porn? Is porn only what my dad used to buy at the corner store and the videos we can now get on the web? Pornography covers such a wide range of things and has existed for so long you’re probably going to be surprised at what porn actually is and how often we see it every day.
Pornography has been around for centuries, and that’s not an over exaggeration, it has literally been around for centuries. The definition of pornography is any printed or visual materials that contain an explicit description or display sexual organs, like the penis or vagina. Pornography also can show sexual activities but it all is intended to get you horny as opposed to just looking aesthetically pleasing or bringing emotional feelings to the forefront. In more simple terms the definition of porn is materials made to get your dick hard by showing you or describing dirty things.
It is actually a really simple and broad spectrum. Lots of things can fit into porn and it can be pretty subjective on what people consider porn to be. You could call the dirty novel your wife is reading porn, it fits into the category but she may disagree. You could call topless photos of celebs porn, people may disagree. Its always being discussed and lines are always being drawn in the sand about what belongs in the world of porn and what just is riding the line. But who cares, if it’s sexy and you can cum to it it could be porn. There are a ton of different porn categories that people have created to get their rocks off.
Like I said earlier history is rife with honest to god actual porn, it may not look like what you are used to but it has always been there. We thought our ancestors were prudes but after seeing some of these works of art you can tell they like to fuck just as much as we do now. Though to be honest even though this porn is technically art it has still been banned in a lot of places and people had the same reactions to it back then. We gotta thank our forefathers for being horny bastards and paving the way for us!
Historically some of the first porn could have been statues with erect penises or the pussy and tits showing. It could also include statues of people in less than modest positions and actually fucking each other! There are a ton of sexually explicit statues all throughout history like:
- Khajuraho Monuments in India: These sculptures show people doing lots and lots of different sex acts lie penetrative sex, blowjobs and more
- The Ecstasy of St. Theresa: This statue, funnily enough Catholic shows a woman named St. Theresa having an orgasm right there in the middle of a church. Very taboo and very sexy
- Erotic Netsuke Figurines: These show lots of naughty sex like oral and threesome, anal sex between men and more. These would be fun to have laying around the house for guests to see!
Those statues are all hot, and I’m surprised they are still out in public because the boners they produce have to be extreme. While sculptures are always cool you couldn’t really have a lot of dirty statues to jack off too so people started making paintings and sketches. Paintings have been used as pornography before pictures and the glorious DVD started being produced. Some really naughty historical erotic art is:
- “The Dream of the Fisherman’s Wife”, Katsushika Hokusai: Apparently Japan has always had a thing for tentacle porn.
- “Frau bei der Selbstbefriedigung”, Gustav Klimt: this is a woman straight up fingering her own pussy, all in pencil and all still cum worthy
- “L’Origine du monde (The Origin of the World)”, Gustave Courbet: Straight up pussy pic. Whoever this dude got to paint it after we wish was still alive because god damn
Looking at these sculptures, paintings and drawings show us that porn has always been popular and always been a crowd pleaser. If it was to show off the beauty of the body or to show how sexy a person can be these were supposed to get you a little more turned on than anything else.
While all of that is great and cool we have so many more porn categories now. We have so many more porn categories options so we don’t have to go to a museum or stare at a painting all day. Popular types of porn today are erotic books, erotic magazines, clips, videos, photos we have so many options to how we want to consume our porn. The most popular category seems to be videos of course. We love to watch other people fuck on camera. Doing the hottest positions, fucking the hottest models and just going longer than we thought we could.
Within those types of porn, there are so many genres to choose from. There is everything from “normal” vanilla porn all the way to taboo, fetish and hardcore porn scenes. All the genres may seem a little confusing but even though there is a lot that tends to be straightforward. You can also combine categories like saying you want to watch an anal threesome with MILFs. Some of the most popular porn categories are:
- 4K: everyone wants their porn to look great when they are wanking it. No more scratchy screens and barely there pics. Its all pussy in your face.
- Threesomes: Group sex is so much fun to watch, where everyone’s hands and lips and fingers are is delicious
- Lesbian Porn: lesbian porn is always a great topic, two hot chicks finger fucking each other and then cumming on each other’s faces, give me more!
- Anal: Seeing a tiny babe take a big hard cock in her ass will never get old.
And that s just a few of them, there are hundreds of ways porn genres can be broken down and even then recombined to make more specific genres. There are country-specific types of porn, Japanese porn is different than Belgian porn and American porn is different than European porn. But honestly, all porn is good porn to us.
There are two different types of pornography that you should know about though and the distinction between the two is important. There is hardcore porn and softcore porn. Hardcore makes it sound like the porn is fast and hard and aggressive and sometimes it is but the definition of this type of porn is just porn that explicitly shows a sex act. You’re going to see lots of blowjobs, rim jobs, penetration, anal fuckin, etc. With softcore porn, you are just going to see bodies. Now don’t get me wrong, these babes are generally drop dead gorgeous and your dick is going to be hard seeing their photos or videos but there isn’t any action like in hardcore porn.
There isn’t any actual sex but there can be stripping and very teasing photos. While they still aren’t safe for work they are definitely on the safer side. The importance of knowing the difference is if you want to see fucking and lots of it you don’t want to go to a softcore site. It would be a waste of time and money.
There are other categories of porn that are more out there but still popular with a large group of people. One of those popular porn categories is fetish and taboo porn. Fetish porn is anything that people would deem more out of the ordinary. This can include things like:
- Bondage: tying someone up or restricting their movement during a fuck session
- Specific fetishes: foot fetishes, boob fetishes, mom or dad fetishes all fit under this porn category
- Discipline: a person getting disciplined like receiving spankings, whippings, etc
- Impact play: whippings, flogging, spanking, etc all for sexual gratification.
Fetish porn can be really hot, especially if you’re into those things like humiliation or pain. If you’re not you could still probably find at least one or two videos that you are really into in this category!
Taboo porn kinda fits under the fetish category but it seems to be a little more mainstream. Taboo porn can cover a lot of “taboo relationships” and situations that you may not have been lucky enough to practice in real life but watching the videos give you a major boner regardless. They can be mothers fucking sons, dads fucking daughters, teachers fucking students, buying a prostitute and more.
No matter what kind of porn category you are into there has probably been a porn category that was made for you. If you don’t see anything that you like you could also always make some really nasty videos yourself!
Erotica is another type of porn that has gained a lot of popularity recently. Books and audio books seem to be skyrocketing, especially after certain books and movies hit the mommy market. Women love to read their porn because they are less visually stimulated and more mentally stimulated than us dudes are.
Once porn became really popular, porn sites started to crop up everywhere. There are free sites which you don’t have to pay for unless you want to, these sites offer you clips of videos so you aren’t getting the full video and you don’t get to see the before and afters, download options and more. With a free site, well its free porns o that’s great but you miss out on a lot of content and features. With some paysites you get bonus content, you can see live cam girls, download your favorite videos and even comment and share them if you want to. If you can find a pay site that you like you could have access to thousands of videos that will almost be guaranteed better than the free sites that teenagers use nowadays.
But how do you know which sites to use and which sites not to? Well, that’s why I am here. I love porn and I have made it my job to review all the different sites and tell you which ones offer what, how much they are and if they are really worth the money. It would suck, not in a good way, to buy a membership to a site and not get what you wanted right? Reading my porn guides are going to get you to the places you wanted to be easier without wasting a ton of money.
As you can see porn has been around forever. Since people could fuck they have been obsessed with documenting it and being able to relieve some sexual tension wherever and whenever they could. Fucking is awesome, why wouldn’t you want to make statues, books and painting about it right?
We are lucky that we get the best of the best porn nowadays. We have 4k and 5k options, we can download all our favorite videos to watch over and over again, we can even read our porn or listen to it in the car. Past that there is even interactive and virtual reality porn. We have come a longs ways and cum long ways. Imagine what the future of porn is going to be like.