Hey there! Interested in working for Mr. Porn Geek? Check out the job listings below: I'm always looking to bring on the right people. If you think you've got what it takes to work in the adult industry, get in touch and let me know what you're bringing to the table. Note that all vacancies are remote: you can be anywhere in the world and I'll hire you if you're good!
Keeping Mr. Porn Geek looking clean and tidy isn't the easiest task: that's why I'm always looking for good graphic designers that know how to sell an adult website. Your tasks will include creating featured images for blog entries, designing logos, producing product landing pages and updating icons as and where they're needed. No formal qualifications are required: I just want to see what you've previously worked on. When contacting me, show me your previous work – both adult and non-adult related. The larger your portfolio, the better!
APPLY NOWWorking alongside a number of key team members, I'm looking for a frontend developer who's capable of designing landing pages, updating the Mr. Porn Geek platform generally (WordPress experience essential) and working on new projects that require general frontend experience. No formal qualifications are required, but an expert-level knowledge of WordPress is preferable, as is an understanding of SEO and general optimization (site speed, minimizing bandwidth, etc.). When contacting me, show me your previous work – both adult and non-adult related. The larger your portfolio, the better!
APPLY NOWMr. Porn Geek only speaks English, which is why I'm looking to hire people who can help translate all of my texts manually. No, I do not want you to copy and paste the translations into some automatic tool: it has to be done natively. Translators will generally assist in making sure my reviews are available in a number of different languages, including French, German and Spanish – others may also be of interest to me. Please ensure that you have a high level of understanding of English and are able to speak the language you're planning to translate into at a native level. Please do not waste my time if you are not a native speaker. When contacting me, show me your previous work – both adult and non-adult related. The larger your portfolio, the better!
APPLY NOWTesting is an important part of Mr. Porn Geek's online adventures, which is why I want to ensure that my own websites are running perfectly. I'm looking to hire someone who's fully capable of quality assurance – an individual with a keen eye for detail and the ability to spot errors and make suggestions on how to make things better. Since quality assurance is hard to train for, no formal qualifications are required. You don't even need prior experience! Just reach out to me and I'll set you up with a few tasks to determine whether or not you're fit for the job. If you do have previous experience in this line of work – fantastic. If not, don't worry. Still get in touch.
APPLY NOWFrom time to time, Mr. Porn Geek expands out into new adventures that are unrelated to this website. As a result, I generally need assistance with running the various tasks and making sure that everything is coordinated. Lowering my burden in this respect would be particularly fantastic, so if you feel like you've got what it takes to be a project manager, reach out to me and let me know what your skillset is. Experience in this field is a must. When contacting me, show me your previous work – both adult and non-adult related. The larger your portfolio, the better!
APPLY NOWI'm looking to hire a media buyer with at least 5 years' experience in the adult industry. You'll be tasked with setting up advertising campaigns, tracking progress, ensuring that media buys are financially sound and sourcing the best possible deals with both buyers and sellers. Heavy experience is required – please do not waste my time if you're not skilled in this line of work. When contacting me, show me your previous work – both adult and non-adult related. The larger your portfolio, the better!
APPLY NOWSomeone with extensive knowledge of search engine optimization is required to assist me with other side ventures I'm currently exploring. You'll need to know your stuff (I will test you) and be able to put yourself to work as and when required to improve rankings for a litany of keywords. Knowledge of on-page, as well as off-page, optimization is highly preferential. If you have mainstream experience, feel free to reach out, although those with a history in the adult industry will be looked favorably upon. When contacting me, show me your previous work – both adult and non-adult related. The larger your portfolio, the better!
APPLY NOWI'm looking to recruit a self-motivated member for my team who will be tasked with sourcing outbound leads, finding new business opportunities and generally assisting with the growth of various assets in the group's portfolio. Experience with this line of work is essential, with adult-based knowledge being particularly attractive. Getting results in this role is key. When contacting me, show me your previous work – both adult and non-adult related. The larger your portfolio, the better!