MrPornGeek checks out AbsoluPorn
AbsoluPorn is a site with loads of great HD porn on it. The homepage of AbsoluPorn alone has shit loads of full-length porn scenes on it that are worth visiting this site for. However, as you explore this site further, you realise that this porn tube site is a great place to spend some time. However, just like with all sites, AbsoluPorn certainly isn’t perfect, and there are some things about this site that I will discuss that may seem a bit shady, but I am trying to help AbsoluPorn get the first class site possible. I really think that with a bit of a polish, this site could be one of the best that I have reviewed. There is so much content and fun shit happening on this site that with a little work, this site could rival the biggest porn tube sites in the business. Let’s delve deeper into AbsoluPorn and find the areas they could improve and enjoy some porn, shall we?
The messy design of AbsoluPorn
Right, I have to start this site review off on a bit of a shady note, the design of AbsoluPorn is messy as fuck. The homepage of this site looks like the categories page of a usual site. Well, once you have selected the porn category you want, that page, you know, with all the other categories on the left-hand side? What I am trying to say is that AbsoluPorn is a messy site. It doesn’t need all of these categories on the left of the page. All it needs is a categories section on the top of the page like most sites. There is way too much info on all of the pages on this site. The categories are even on the porn video pages (where you actually watch the porn video). I mean, if you need to see the categories of porn when you’re about to watch your porn video, you clearly didn’t choose wisely enough and deserve to watch some shit porn.
AbsoluPorn really needs to tidy this shit up. There is no need for the categories to be all over the pages of porn. I love porn categories, but this is way too much. Include the categories on the pages of porn, if you must, but keep them off the porn videos! With a cleaner design, people can focus on the porn and enjoy it more!
The porn on AbsoluPorn
Right, now we come to the best thing about AbsoluPorn, well, one of the best things. The porn on AbsoluPorn, particularly the porn on the homepage, is awesome. Every time you refresh the porn on the homepage of AbsoluPorn, you are greeted with 28 porn videos, most of these are full-length porn scenes. This is fucking awesome! Having explored the pages of porn in AbsoluPorn, they don’t have a ridiculous amount of full-length porn scenes, but the homepage suggests that it does. I don’t actually mind this shit, to be honest. This site isn’t stating that it only has full-length porn scenes and they are putting them front and centre for us to enjoy quickly, so I like it.
Also, most of the porn on AbsoluPorn is HD, and you get a nice little preview if you hover over a porn video with your mouse. AbsoluPorn is a site from another country that doesn’t speak English, that does mean that the titles of the porn videos are either in another language or translated badly into English, so you can’t really use these to find out what a porn video is all about. You can in some cases, “A hairy little slut gets fucked” is pretty self-explanatory, but most of the translations are pretty shit. So, having good-quality thumbnails and previews means that AbsoluPorn is still usable by all!
The cam models on AbsoluPorn
As you scroll down the homepage of AbsoluPorn, you start seeing cam models that are online right now. I don’t know if these cam models are hosted on AbsoluPorn or they are hosted elsewhere, but I couldn’t give a shit. There are some freaky fuckers on this part of this site. I am currently watching three horny college chicks (on separate cams) destroy sex toys with their pussies like they are made of money! There is also a woman giving another woman a massage. A couple of couples getting nasty and loads of sexy ladies all naked and shit!
The cams are updated all the time too, so if one person goes offline to rehydrate themselves or go to class, it is replaced, but the thumbnail is also updated for those still getting freaky. As I said, I don’t know if AbsoluPorn is hosting these cams, I don’t know if the cams are live and I don’t give a fuck! These cams are some of the best I have ever seen on any site; in fact, these cams are better than most cam sites. The models are hot and freaky as fuck!
My final thoughts on AbsoluPorn
I have been surprised by AbsoluPorn at every fucking turn. I seriously didn’t think I would enjoy this site as much as I have, but I have loved my time on here. AbsoluPorn is a really great site. It has some fantastic porn on it. Some brilliant full-length porn scenes and loads of HD porn that might not be full-length, but it is still damn enjoyable. However, the funniest part of this site has to be the load of filthy amateur cam models at the bottom of the homepage. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, you can watch these sexy and freaky cunts for free too! Go and check out AbsoluPorn, there is something for any horny little bastard on this site!
- Loads of HD porn
- Lots of full-length scenes
- Hot cam models
- Messy design