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Mr. Porn Geek’s review of Adultism

From time to time, Mr. Porn Geek comes across websites that promise the very best in amateur content but then go on to deliver quite a professional product. Like, I get that there are multiple interpretations of the word ‘amateur’, but if you’re bringing a first-time teen into a studio where she’s surrounded by 4K cameras, a crew and a cock that’s been inside 100 pornstar pussies, I’m not convinced that’s really all that amateur. Today, I’m looking at a website that seeks to go back to the real definition of amateur: homemade content from people that aren’t sharing their smut for pay. It goes by the name of Adultism and if you’d like to know more, continue reading for the complete Mr. Porn Geek review!

First impressions of Adultism

When hitting the homepage of, you’re presented immediately with a rather hefty quantity of content from the website that’s laid out in a similar fashion to videos on tube sites. It would appear that the default sorting is based on recent popularity, but you can hit the ‘recent posts’ link at the top of the page if you want to order things based on when they were added to the archive. While we’re on the topic of updating, I do want to mention that on average, at least one new video is added to the archive here on an hourly basis. Sure, it’s not going to rival Facebook for frequency of new posts, but as far as XXX community projects go, that’s quite decent!

Along the right-hand side of the website, you’ll see a count of the current number of members online and then the guests who are visiting without an account. The values here are actually quite impressive: Adultism has 350+ online members and then 450+ guests – those values being so close suggests that a good chunk of people who come here end up staying and figure it’s worth joining. Just below that, you’ve got a ‘latest profiles with photos’ segment where you can see people who’ve joined and added images of themselves. I wasn’t expecting genuine pornstars, but a few of the girls actually looked pretty hot. It’s just a simple fact that amateur porn websites can feature people who aren’t all that hot, but based on a small sample, Adultism doesn’t quite suffer from this affliction.

The numbers at Adultism

I do like websites that provide content counts so I don’t have to do the math myself and what I’m seeing on is pretty damn solid. Yesterday, 210 new posts were made – that’s basically 10 new pieces of content every single hour. In June of 2019, 4220 additions were made, so it would appear that around 150 or so new uploads every 24 hours is the standard setup here. I can get behind an amateur community with those values: anything over zero is fine, but since the whole network effects thing, you do want as many people as possible sharing their smut.

It’s wise to consider using the most popular link here at Adultism: allows you to look at what content is the best of the best. I do just want to reiterate that the platform is all about genuine amateur girls (and in some cases, guys), so don’t expect to be getting pornstar-level amateur entertainment. You will see girls with fat bellies, floppy tits, veiny legs and so on. The idea isn’t so much to be as sexy as possible, but to show off what you’ve got in a sexual fashion. This isn’t to say that you won’t find young, gorgeous girls sharing their nude selfies – they exist. It’s just that those types of entries are a lot less common compared to European women between the ages of 35 to 50 who’ve let themselves go somewhat.

Adultism’s niches explored

If you’re someone that has a particular penchant for one type of amateur niche, you might want to use the categories page to get stuff in that domain. They’ve got a lot of options here, including Asian, ebony, BBW, BDSM, interracial, lesbian and watersports. I also saw a location where people were sharing public nudity – plenty of folks in the amateur porn community love that one in particular, so I thought it was worth giving you a direct link to it.

While I initially thought that the categories had no sorting functionality, I saw at the last second that all of the links you’d want are at the bottom of the page! I’m sorry, but this is just terrible design. If you want to see the highest rated public amateur uploads, you shouldn’t have to go down all the way to the bottom of the page in order to get them. This has got to be my biggest issue with the platform thus far: those links should always be at the top! What’s weird is when I click on that link, it goes through to a page where you actually see all of the options there before any content – I’m not sure why the categories section is as scuffed as this, but something needs to be done about it.

Final words on Adultism

If you’re someone that doesn’t really like the modern approach to ‘amateur’ porn, you’re probably going to have a great time at Adultism. These guys don’t mess around and really just want to connect you to genuine amateur adult entertainment that doesn’t rely on barely legal teen brats to sell itself. No one uploading here is doing it for the money or the fame: they just want to help others jerk off. Plenty of ladies post on here and while there is the odd dick picture, sorting by rating generally shows off stuff that only dudes want to jerk to. On the whole, Mr. Porn Geek rates this as a good community and social platform if you’re looking for genuine amateur porn – not just first time girls who’re getting into the business of smut.

  • Real amateur community
  • Decent member count
  • Fast loading times
  • Needs navigation improvement
  • Mainly images