Website Rank #353
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What is Akabur?

Akabur is an interesting little porn site. From the homepage, Akabur looks to be all about animated games; there are a number of games on this site. However, dig a bit deeper, and there’s porn! There is gold hidden in this porn forum, boys! So, I don’t know what Akabur is and I dunno if they know either! However, does it matter, is this site good regardless of no one knowing what the fuck it’s about? Well, let’s review this cunt and find the fuck out, shall we?

The games on Akabur

I can see, four games on Akabur. That’s fucking it! I am pretty sure that these games were created by the people at Akabur, so they are using their site to get some cunts to play them. The games seem fun. There isn’t much info about the games, they are just kind of on the homepage waiting for you to download them. I’d like to know more about the games that Akabur are offering, but I had a quick look and couldn’t see shit.

The forum on Akabur

Now, the forum on Akabur is where the gold is kept! They have set their porn forum up just like an animated porn forum where the community can post sexy cartoons and comics. I have to say, for a site that may not even be focused on this shit, Akabur has one of the best collections of cartoon and comic porn I have ever seen! There’s a fuck load of porn hidden down there! I would revisit Akabur just for the forum, it’s awesome. There may also be info about the games in the forum, but, quite frankly, I got distracting by all the porn!

The hidden gem of Akabur

Check out the galleries on Akabur. This is where the good shit hides! There’s so much porn down there, I can’t believe it! There are fake celebrity photos, animated shit, GIFs and a fuck load more! Seriously, Akabur is full of amazing stuff. Every corner you turn, there is more porn! Don’t leave this site thinking there is nothing, for such an unassuming little site, it is stacked full of porn!

The Geek’s final thoughts on Akabur

Fuck the games, there’s only 4. Yes, I am sure that Akabur worked very hard on their games and they are really proud of them. However, just like all porn sites, Akabur is made by their community and what a community it is! The community on this porn site has created one of the best image galleries on any site that I have ever visited! This site is like a front for the mafia. It’s saying, “check out our games, aren’t they great”, while every member of the site is having a fucking whale of a time in the galleries and forum!

  • Lots of animated porn
  • Acceptable design
  • Good community
  • Not a lot of games