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Amateurs Blog is exactly what it says, a bunch of amateurs playing pornstar. The blog is a long list of porn photos, click on one, and you enter a gallery full of the person in the photo that you clicked on. There is also a small porn video gallery too. AmateursBlog really shows off my problem with amateur porn nicely, I have been scrolling on this porn site for ages now and haven’t found a decent gallery yet! The site is just full of amateurs who think they look sexy, but sadly don’t. And most of the videos suck as well.

The design of Amateurs Blog

The design of Amateurs Blog is a bit crap. It is just a long scrolling list of photos that lead to more long scrolling lists of photos when you click on them. The typical blue background also really pisses me off because it is so outdated that it hurts my head to look at it! The design of AmateursBlog needs a serious overhaul!

My problem with Amateurs Blog

My problem with Amateurs Blog and all amateur sites are the quality of the photos. There aren’t many people that can actually make sex look good and most amateurs can’t. So sites like AmateursBlog are just full of awful photos that aren’t sexy! It might just be me and amateurs might just not be my thing, but I can’t stand sites like these. I just saw a photo of a fat naked pig-like woman with a pig mask on, even she knows she’s not sexy so why the fuck is her photo on this site?  I don’t think I will ever find amateur porn sexy, but the photos on this site are embarrassing!

Additional features for Amateurs Blog to consider

I will take my personal feeling about amateur porn out of this. AmateursBlog really needs to update its site. Without serious improvements, this site will continue to look fucking terrible forever. They need to update the design to something a little more modern and stop with the scrolling bollocks. A few good thumbnails in a row is all you need for someone to click on them, keep the site clean and simple and other amateurs will flock to your site.

Categories would also be a good way of increasing amateurs on your site. I couldn’t find any porn categories on this site which is a shame as I might have been able to filter out some of the shit stuff on the site!

The Geeks final thoughts on Amateurs Blog

I am not a fan of amateurs doing porn, it is messy and rubbish quality. However, AmateursBlog does hold a huge library of amateur porn so if you do like it, there will be a video or photo on there for you. There are no professional photos or videos on this porn site that I could find, so if you love the down and dirty fucking in the messy bedroom type vibe to your porn, you’re going to love AmateursBlog. Check it out, it might be the best porn you’ve seen all day!

  • Lots of images
  • Some videos
  • Responsive
  • Bad design
  • Not many good images