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MrPornGeek checks out APornStories

It’s pretty apparent what APornStories is all about. It is an erotica site, but there is a key difference between the sex stories on this site and others. For the most part, the sex stories on this site could easily be made into scripts for porn scenes, which makes sense. On most erotica sites, the stories are really involved and all about fetish or fantasy that the author has had for many years. However, the stories on APornStories don’t feel like this. The sex stories on here lack the passion the normal erotica stories have. Let me explain more about the sex stories below!

The stories on APornStories

Most of the stories on APornStories lack a lot. For the most part, they seem like porn scenes that the author would like to see. However, erotica works so well because you can feel the passion for the story flowing out of the pussy or cock that wrote it. So, most of the tales on APornStories feel extremely lacklustre because they are basically just ideas for porn scenes. I am sure that there are some sex stories on APornStories that are brimming with fantasy and sex that sounds incredible. Still, I struggled to find any of these erotic stories.

I will say, though, that APornStories is a reasonably nice porn site to use. It does lack some features of erotica sites, but the rating system is sound. In fact, the rating system on these sex stories is actually too good as most of the sex stories on this site have really low scores. Perhaps people were expecting the same erotica that I was.

My final thoughts on APornStories

APornStories is trying to fill a gap in porn that I don’t think is needed. Erotica is awesome. A large portion of porn peruser’s love to feel the passion and excitement in erotica. However, APornStories isn’t erotica. The stories are porn scripts waiting for the actors, this makes the stories a little dull, to say the least.

  • Really nice design
  • Hundreds of sex stories
  • Excellent rating system
  • Pretty weak stories