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Mr. Porn Geek reviews AskRedditAfterDark

You’ve probably heard of the Ask Reddit community – it’s one of the biggest on the site and is basically a place where people pose questions and get answers. Note that this isn’t really scientific or anything like that: it’s social questions such as “what was your biggest mistake?” and “which country is the best to visit?”. Today, Mr. Porn Geek is set to go and take a look at /r/AskRedditAfterDark, which is basically the same thing, although it’s all about naughty stuff. I’ll explain more as we go along, so continue down below and read Mr. Porn Geek’s full, expert review on Ask Reddit After Dark.

Ask Reddit After Dark – the objective take

I start all of my Reddit NSFW community reviews off with some objective analysis, so let’s begin there and then see what the actual questions are like. For a start, ARAD was created back in November of 2012, which makes it around 7 years old at the time of writing this review. Since its inception, Ask Reddit After Dark has managed to attract well over 228,000 followers – a number that puts it somewhere in the top 150 adult-focused communities when we compare them against one another on their subscription count. When hitting the new tab at the top of the page, we’ll find that around 100 questions are asked on a daily basis. I’d say that all things considered, this is quite the busy community.

What ARAD is actually like

I’d recommend looking at the top monthly threads if you want to find some material to squeeze your hog over. There are a few dumb questions that are asked that won’t result in you getting hard, but plenty of entries that also have great answers. One good example of this is the ‘have you ever hooked up with…’ thread where a girl ended up having a gangbang with a bunch of dudes – one of which was her teacher back in high school. There are several similar posts like this and the general idea is that some chick will put up an answer that you jerk off over because it sounds super crazy, or hot, or whatever else. Do note that basically no porn is linked on /r/AskRedditAfterDark: this is mainly just a text-based destination, so it’s quite unique in that sense.

Conclusion on ARAD

I don’t think that this type of subreddit appeals to everyone, but I can clearly see that it has a lot of benefits over the types of places that don’t have much social elements or truth focus. Some guys just like the idea of hearing about how an ordinary chick turned into a total slut is very casual about it. There are some pretty trashy threads at Ask Reddit After Dark, but it could be a lot worse. Anyway – that’s about me done, so be sure to check out the rest of my subreddit analyses and find the perfect place to jerk yourself off on Reddit!

  • Interesting questions
  • Active community
  • Some joke threads
  • No direct content