Website Rank #556

Ass Point

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What is Ass Point?

AssPoint is a site not about anal porn, surprisingly, but just porn in general. What is it with these little porn tube sites giving themselves names like this and not following through with the ass porn that we desire? This is misleading, but it ain’t the worst thing about Ass Point, not by a long shot! So, I suggest, dear reader, that you dry your tears about not getting anal porn and follow me into a porn review that I can only imagine is going to have a lot of swearing in because this site is frustratingly bad!

The messy design of Ass Point

Right, when you first load up AssPoint, your eyes are fucking bombarded with shit all over the place. You have pretty nicely sized thumbnails, a shit load of stuff down the left side of the page and the bright colours make it hard to focus on anything at all. As you explore this porn site, you are once again distracted by all of the shit going on. So, this messy design actually prevents you from looking at the porn, not because of ads or any shit like that, but simply because of the bright colours and the mess surrounding the porn. This ain’t putting Ass Point in the best light right now, but trust me, dear reader, Ass Point gets way worse than this! Let’s explore the porn on AssPoint now, you will be shocked, dear reader, shocked I tell ya!

The porn on Ass Point

Right, as I said in the intro, AssPoint doesn’t focus on anal porn, or Doggystyle porn or anything really to do with the ass, to be honest. There are handjob videos, blowjob vids, missionary vids and all sorts of porn videos that have nothing to do with the ass. While this is fucking disappointing, it is nothing when you compare it to watching the porn on this site. Go on Ass Point and click on any porn video you like and you’ll just wait. You’ll wait and wait like you’re waiting for the second cumming of Jesus, only neither you or Jesus are cumming on AssPoint! I have been waiting for about 10 bloody minutes for a porn video to load on AssPoint, and still, it hasn’t done fuck all! This porn video is only eight minutes long too, fuck knows what would happen if you tried to watch one of the half an hour porn scenes on this site!

The Geek’s final thoughts on Ass Point

AssPoint looked like it was going to be a fairly good porn tube site, but it isn’t. The site is messy, that is an easy fix. But the fact that none of the porn can load on it, I dunno what Ass Point can do about that. Buy better servers? Start the porn site again? Prey that Jesus fixes it?

  • Some great looking porn
  • Loads of HD porn
  • Categories and pornstar directory
  • Porn is slow to load
  • Messy layout
Ass Point