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What is BareBackStudios?

BareBackStudios is the place to go to relive the past of paying for porn. That’s right, you get the privilege of paying for Your porn on this site. Now, I know that there are porn sites all over that make you pay for porn, but BareBackStudios is different because they have porn movies for sale. Yep, real porn films that are over an hour long! How good is that? Well, that is exactly what I want to bloody well find out. I want to see whether this porn site is worth spending any money on at all.

Now, dear reader, there is only one bloody way I know of of finding out if a site is good or not. So, grab your credit card, your tissues and your lube and let’s head to BareBackStudios and review this fucker, shall we?

The shitty design of BareBackStudios

Well, this ain’t a good start! BareBackStudios has a design that wouldn’t look out of place on a pre-schoolers homework! It is a purple background, a few GIFs some really short videos and some white text. That is it! Of course, the site is pretty bloody fast because there is nothing on it to slow the cunt down.

If a site is trying to make me pay for their shit, they could at least have the fucking decency of having a nice looking site. This site is so bloody boring and bland. Where the hell is all the porn money going? Invest in a site that we can trust, and we may buy your bloody porn! Honestly, this is one of the bloody worst designs of a site that I have reviewed in a long time. This site is pretty damn fucking awful.

The porn videos on BareBackStudios

The porn videos on BareBackStudios each have their own page. There is a massive description that goes into a crapload of detail about each porn video and each porn scene within the video. This takes up most of the bloody page. There is then a very small grid of GIFs that give you an insight into the porn scenes, and you can click to view a trailer for the porn video too. The trailer for one of the porn videos on here was 11 seconds long, and it was just 11 seconds of one of the porn scenes. One of the most shocking parts about that shit is that that particular porn video costs $35 on this site. You have four GIFs, an 11-second video and a page and a half of text to see whether you want to spend $35 on this porn video.

That is shocking. How the hell BareBackStudios thinks it can get away with this shit, I have no clue. I cannot believe that the porn on this site is so damn expensive. There are sites out there that charge $20 a month but give you access to an entire porn network for that money with hundreds of hours of porn on it. $35 on this site gives you access to one video!

The shocking shit about BareBackStudios

One video is $35, you’re damn right I haven’t got over that shit yet! Sure, that porn video is 75 minutes longs, but what the hell? How on earth can BareBackStudios think they can charge that damn much for a god damn porn video that really doesn’t look that great! One of the porn videos is of Karma RX doing that remote control daughter creepy shit. Karma is sexy as hell, we all know that, but why would I pay $35 for one of her videos when they are all on other sites? I could go on PornHub right now and enjoy a Karma RX afternoon and really dehydrate myself.

Now, there is an argument about supporting porn companies and buying their shit. I understand, supporting porn companies is really important. But remember, this site didn’t make these porn videos, they are just selling them as downloads. Who knows if the porn companies which actually made these porn videos get a kickback from the sales from BareBackStudios. That is the most worrying shit about all of this. I am all for supporting porn companies, but I ain’t supporting this shit, it seems way too dodgy for my liking.

What does BareBackStudios need to do to save this site?

Oh well, BareBackStudios needs to redo this whole site and have a long hard think about how much they charge for their porn. The design of this site is really rushed together, another reason why I think this site could be dodgy. Any site that tries and sells you stuff, even a membership, looks really nice and modern, BareBackStudios looks like a bag of dicks. Dodgy mate, I’m telling ya!

My final thoughts on BareBackStudios

BareBackStudios isn’t for me. As I just said, sites that are trying to sell their porn all look great. They have amazing styling and work damn hard to make their sites as inviting to guests as possible. BareBackStudios doesn’t look inviting at all, it looks like it will steal your credit card info. This porn site is charging way too much for its porn. Yes, it has some good pornstars in porn videos, but I doubt they see a penny of the money that BareBackStudios makes.

If you want to support porn sites and your favourite pornstars, good on ya. There are loads of bloody ways of doing this shit though. You could donate to your favourite pornstar on PornHub, buy one of their premium porn videos from PornHub or another porn company or buy a membership to one of the porn company’s sites that they work for. But don’t buy shit from BareBackStudios, it is as dodgy as my dick cheese!

  • Loads of porn videos
  • HD porn
  • Full-length porn films
  • Famous pornstars
  • Way overpriced
  • Crap design