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Critiquing the Boob Critic

Boob Critic is my kind of porn site. I love big boobs, and I am very lucky that my man has some of the biggest man boobs in my city! (if my girlfriend knew I just wrote that she would fucking kill me, say nothing!) So, I was excited to get on Boob Critic and have a little explore and see what the fuck was going on. So far, I have seen some boobs, read some comments and liked some of what I saw. However, there is some shit on Boob Critic that is dumb and annoying, but I’ll get to that shit in a bit.

Boob Critic does look to be a pretty good site. There are a shit load of boobs on this site, and all of them have been critiqued in some way or another. So, is Boob Critic good enough for a passing score or does Boob Critic need to suckle on its mother for a little longer, gain some strength and come back to the porn party in a few years? Well, we better review this cunt and find the fuck out!

The boobs on Boob Critic

All of the boobs on this site are amateur boobs. Of course, the boobs themselves aren’t not amateur, in fact, most of them are pros at being boobs, but the boobs belong to amateurs. Oddly, it is typically men that are uploading photos of their wife’s boobs. I find this a little strange. The men have their ladies consent to do this, so why the fuck the ladies aren’t doing it themselves is a little beyond me!

Anyway, there are a lot of amazing boobs on this site. The size, perkiness and general awesomeness of the boobs on here is lovely! Of course, just like any amateur site, there are few fuck ugly pairs of boobs on this site too. These can kill a boner quicker than weed killer and these boobs aren’t really avoidable either! However, if you keep searching Boob Critic, you will find some of the best boobs you have ever seen!

The design of Boob Critic

Right, the design of Boob Critic is nothing short of shit! It is a horribly designed site that doesn’t offer a very nice look at the boobs at all! Well, that isn’t strictly true. All of the boob photos appear in a scrolling column. The image of the boobs fills the central portion of the site, which is really nice. However, with every boob photo comes the comments. There is no way of hiding the comments on this site, so you have to scroll through all of the comments to get to the next boob photo.

I have only been on Boob Critic for about five minutes, and I am already finding this annoying. And of course, the better the boobs, the more comments to scroll through. I just found a sexy MILF with a massive pair of boobs. I loved looking at her photo! When I was finished looking at her tits, I started to scroll to see the next set of boobs. Sexy mc hot tits has 48 comments on her photo and she has replied to all of them! This means that you have to scroll for a decade to get to the next set of boobs. Why the fuck can’t Boob Critic hide the comments and if you want to read them just let them drop down or something? This part of the design of this site really makes the whole experience drag like fuck, and it takes ages to find any boobs on here at all!

A very dumb and annoying part of Boob Critic

This site is called Boob Critic, right, so the boob photos on this site are being critiqued, correct? After all, on a site called Boob Critic, you would expect someone to be critiquing shit. However, there is a glaring problem with Boob Critic that I noticed straight away and it has been pissing me the fuck off since I saw it! You can moderate the comments on photos you post.

This pisses me off because this site is called Boob Critic. This means that people should have to deal with the comments they get, they shouldn’t be able to moderate the comments. I understand that Boob Critic wants its users to have a good experience and enjoy posting their sexy photos, but it really annoyed me. It annoyed me because most of the boobs are amazing anyway and no cunt is going to talk shit about them, but also the person who posted the boob photo is going to see the nasty comments anyway, but the community won’t see them! No one will approve a shit comment about their tits so the comments will just die. Boob Critic either needs to change its name or let these comments through, don’t be a pussy while critiquing boobs!

The Geek’s final thoughts on Boob Critic

I really liked Boob Critic. There are some annoying features about Boob Critic, but most of these fuck ugly features could easily be solved with a modern design. Oh yeah, the design of this site is pretty shit too. I also seriously think that Boob Critic should consider removing comment moderation as how can people critic boobs if this is on?

Leaving on a high note, that never happens! Boob Critic does have some awesome boobs on it, and I will likely go back and look at more boobs on Boob Critic. It also clearly has a healthy community too as these are the cunts uploading the images. So, there is a lot of boobs on Boob Critic, and the community is clearly invested in this porn site. If they made some changes to their annoying features, Boob Critic would be fucking awesome!

  • Lots of photos of boobs
  • Large community
  • Fun and free
  • Stupid fucking design