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What is Boobie Blog?

When I saw the name of this site, I was excited. As a red-blooded ball sack of a man, I love boobs, and so I thought I may be walking into boob heaven. Now, I didn’t exactly get boob hell, but I also didn’t get the boobs I was seeking either. There are a lot of sites like this, the clickbait sites, I call them. The ones that promise us all the boobs in the land and then bore us with their content. While it isn’t difficult to make a regular website boring as fuck, it is a challenge to make a site feel boring, so how do Boobie Blog and sites like it manage this?

Well, hopefully, I can answer that shit in this site review, but I have been bored throughout my time on Boobie Blog, and that surprised me because I love boobs. However, the way the boobs are gifted to us on this site just isn’t right. Let me try and explain this shit as delve deeper into this porn blog review.

The blog design of Boobie Blog

I am not a fan of blog designs on porn site, they don’t work. If your blog layout has an image and a title and a way of clicking onto a separate page to learn more about the sexy lady and why the title is “she killed them all with her massive tits”, that’s fine. There is no article on Boobie Blog titled that, by the way, that was just an example from my head. However, sites like Boobie Blog don’t have a clean blog layout like that. Instead, they just have the blog articles flowing down the page like an endless, boring river of crap that no one cares about. Why would I care about your reviews of a sexy lady getting fucked, when you are showing me a video or an image of said lady getting fucked hard?

This blog design just doesn’t work. I see this shit on gay porn sites all the damn time, and this layout doesn’t work. Why do we need to travel through your opinions to look at porn? Why can’t we just look at porn and you be happy with our views?

The porn on Boobie Blog

Another thing I don’t like about Boobie Blog is that it is hard to tell where the porn ends and the ads start. The first time I clicked on a porn ad on this site, the layout of the porn suddenly became clear. These cunts have laid out their site to perfectly disguise what is and what ain’t an ad. Again, I hate this shit, I don’t mind a ad before a porn video, but this shit is ridiculous. Combine the hidden ads with the blatant ads on this site and there ain’t much actual content on here at all.

Sure, there is porn on Boobie Blog, and the ladies (which I’ll discuss below) are sexy, but they are flanked on all side by ads for porn games, ads for dick pills, ads for other sites like BoobieBlog! I don’t get why Boobie Blog thinks it can do this. You are offering us more ads than you are porn. If you want fuckers to click on your ads than you need to stop throwing fucking ads at people. If a cunt comes on your site to have a wank and sees it is full of ads, they will leave, it is simple!

The women on Boobie Blog

Right, so the women on Boobie Blog are the one thing that this site has done right. This site has some excellent women on it. You can find big boobed women on here of all shapes and sizes. You can find pros and amateurs and stunningly sexy, curvy models and shit loads more. The calibre of women on BoobieBlog is truly remarkable. You can watch videos that have been stolen from other sites, look at image galleries stolen from other sites and then look at the cleverly hidden ads with the same women in them that link to another site.

That is the biggest issue with BoobieBlog. They are either linking to another site showing you a video that is directly stolen from PornHub or another huge porn company or just showing you ads for other sites. There is no reason to stay on Boobie Blog at all because all of their content in just stolen from the big boob section of other sites, and if it ain’t, it is an ad! So, if you like ads, then stay the fuck on Boobie Blog, if you don’t, perhaps an alternative site would suit you better.

The Geek’s final thoughts on Boobie Blog

I think the last sentence I wrote about BoobieBlog sums up what I think about this site. They are either directly linking to other sites, showing videos directly stolen from other sites or just showing you ads. Why on earth would anyone stay on Boobie Blog? We know that PornHub has a big boobed category because we have been on it every day of our adult lives. If you are trying to drag us away from that shit, then you have to offer us more than this pile of fucking wank!

Boobie Blog is an unenjoyable site, which I am really surprised at. I love big boobs, and I love sexy women, so the women on this site get full marks. But the layout, the constant ads and the blatant stealing can go and suck a massive cock! Boobie Blog is so far away from what I want in a porn site that I would rather not watch porn than watch it on here!

  • Hot women
  • Some good videos
  • Excellent image galleries
  • Loads of ads
  • Not much content