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MrPornGeek checks out BoyCall

BoyCall is a gay porn site that has a shit load of gay porn on it. Most of the gay porn on this site contains at least one teen pornstar. However, most of the gay porn on this site is either teen twinks or straights jerking their peepees on cam or teen boys in their first porn scenes. Now, I may be an old cunt now, but fuck me, the lads in the porn videos on this site are young. However, I checked, and BoyCall has all the shit they need for this to be a legal site, but we better get to reviewing it, hadn’t we?

The porn on BoyCall

As I said, I think I am just old, but the porn on this site is a little disturbing. The lads in the porn on BoyCall look fucking young! I ain’t saying that BoyCall is putting child porn on their site, I would shut the cunts down and ensure they burned in prison for it, but I am saying that the gay porn on this site isn’t for me. That also has something to do with the fact that I am straight, too, of course.

Another reason why the porn on BoyCall isn’t really for me is that it is all really short. Like most gay porn tube sites, BoyCall has porn scenes on it that are at max five minutes long. That is way too short to get a  party started in my pants. I would like to discuss the porn on BoyCall a bit further below, if I may and as this is my porn review, I may!

What is it with porn sites like BoyCall?

Right, as I just said, the porn on BoyCall is really fucking short. I don’t get it. I have reviewed loads of gay porn sites now, and so many of them fall into this trap of having really short porn scenes on them, either trailers for porn scenes or just amateur porn that is a matter of minutes long. Why? You had to steal the porn from somewhere, if you’re going to steal porn, you might as well steal some good porn! I know that BoyCall doesn’t want to be caught with its pants down, but put some effort in and give us some porn that is worth us typing your site’s URL in our box!

The Geek’s final thoughts on BoyCall

I have decided to give BoyCall a bad score for the simple fact that I don’t like the styling, even though there isn’t anything too shit about it, and the porn is shorter than my cock in the cold. If BoyCall were to improve their porn, I would happily give this porn site a mediocre score because that’s all that BoyCall is. A mediocre, at best, site with some of the shortest porn in the world on it!

  • Some HD porn
  • Loads of gay porn
  • Nearly acceptable design
  • Really short porn
  • Mostly standard-def