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Candy AI: MPG’s analysis

I’m back in the hot seat for those that want great adult reviews and in today’s episode of “is it a good porn site?”, I’m looking at The concept is rather simple: you want to design your own girls and have them brought to life by artificial intelligence. Believe me when I say that there’s a bunch of competition in the space and things are only getting harder to execute on – who knows just how good Candy AI stacks up against them? Well, it’s me – I do! At least, I will once I finish my full review. Continue reading to find out what Mr. Porn Geek thinks of this promising AI hub and its offerings for those who want their very own virtual girlfriend.

The homepage of Candy AI

After landing on the homepage, you’ll be prompted to pick whether you want a girl or a guy: I’m pretty sure that both features are provided regardless of what you opt for, but needless to say, I went with girls. Once that’s done, you’ll be able to select from a number of pre-designed AI characters – you’ve got Maria the redhead MILF who’s quite conservative, Alex who’s an edgy short-haired lesbian-type and Ava – the Australian who’s elegant and ambitious. Scroll through these as you see fit – alongside being able to see their pictures, you’ll also have the ability to read about them. also has anime girls alongside realistic characters. There are far more realistic options, but if you’re into the anime aesthetic and want to be a weeb with a virtual GF, I’m not going to stop you.

After you select a profile, you’ll be prompted into a chat with them. Along the right-hand side of the page, you’ll see a number of personality attributes, such as their hobbies, relationship status and general demeanor. Note that in order to reply to the conversation, you will have to create an account – I’d like to see them offer the ability for you to do this for free, at least for a few messages, but I understand why it’s there. I’d say that overall, I’m okay with the setup of the chat are and interface – the sidebar buttons with no text are a little annoying, but that’s a preference as opposed to anything else. My preference is correct, but other AI porn addicts might think differently!

Exploring the rest of

After creating an account with Google verification, I went and played around with the chats – I was impressed. I’ve engaged with others and they’ve been quite, how do I say, progressive? Don’t get me wrong: it’s clear that the training model here is still hedging its bets when it comes to various topics, but it’s hard to get around this and others have been far, far worse in the past. Certain topics are out of the question, and they will be careful when treading around ideas and concepts – particularly politics. It’s not the end of the world though, since what most people are here for is the sex and yes: you can discuss adult topics. The bots are programmed to ease you into it though, so don’t expect to just get down to business instantly. It seems that wants to almost make a game out of the experience, so prepare yourself for that and the developments that come as a result.

Creating characters at Candy AI

You’re able to create your own characters at you’ll pick between realistic and anime, with much of the same controls that are presented as traits to you when you select a pre-created character. The process isn’t the quickest, but for a lot of people, I think they’re going to like this. It’s clear to me that wants to sell itself more on AI girlfriend elements rather than anything else. I don’t have a problem with that: but I will call a spade a spade if it’s spade. You do get to control a lot of fine points and that’s appreciated: just make sure that you’re ready to go to these lengths to create your perfect partner. If you’re just here to see some quick AI nudes, there are better options out there on the market.

You can create images here for any AI – existing or new. There are suggestion prompts that you can utilize, as well as a few different bar selection tools for actions, body types, scenes, accessories and so on. One thing I dislike is that the engine allows you to create 1, 4, 9 or 16 images at a time: why the square numbers? It seems strange, and I’m not quite sure of what the reasoning is – but it is what it is. I think just letting me manually choose makes the most sense. There might be a technical reason for this, but I’d be pretty surprised if that’s the case.

My conclusion on

Look: if you want to generate a girlfriend that you can message on a daily basis, is one tool that lets you do that. If you’re just looking for AI porn – there are better choices out there, and I’d recommend going for those instead of what this place offers. As an AI entity that’s giving you a GFE – it’s good, but perhaps not the best. This is still a growing industry, and competition is tight – but Candy AI lacks a few features that I think it really needs to be considered the best in the business. Those might come along at a later stage – fingers crossed! For now, try out the trial and if you vibe with the layout, features and everything else – I think it’s a fair spot to sign up for. No one is going to get scammed here, nor are they going to feel like they’ve lost out. It’s good, not great (yet). That’s it from Mr. Porn Geek – catch you in my next AI review!

  • Great designed characters
  • Lots of prompt options
  • Create AI GF
  • No videos
  • Average audio experience