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Can’t Hold: Mr. Porn Geek’s review

Fun fact: Mr. Porn Geek has written up reviews on around 150 subreddits now – this is the first one that I’m going to have to spell differently than how it’s actually written. Yes, I’ve never been a big fan of titles for things that don’t have correct grammar: it sucks for everyone involved! The official title of this place is CantHold, but you’ll probably find Mr. Porn Geek calling it ‘Can’t Hold’ more often than not. Anyway, enough waffling on about language and style: let’s get down to business and see what Can’t Hold Is all about and whether or not it’s a good place to go for more porn Reddit!

Objective metrics on /r/CantHold

I was incredibly surprised to see that Can’t Hold has only been a community since November of 2017. Mr. Porn Geek has looked at every single larger NSFW hub on Reddit than this one: none were created sooner! If that’s not a positive sign, then I don’t know what is. Since it was created, /r/CantHold has managed to earn itself 237,000 readers and grows at an incredibly high rate. In fact, only a few months ago this place was in the top 200 subreddits (with adult themes), it’s probably getting incredibly close to switching on over to the top 100 and I wouldn’t be surprised if that happened before the end of 2019. One thing I do want to note here is that /r/CantHold doesn’t have much by way of fresh submissions rolling in: just 25 posts in the last 7 days, almost all of which came from a single account.

The content at CantHold

From what I can piece together, the /u/Snapchat_Nude guy is the one who originally created CantHold, but doesn’t seem to post on his main account any longer. One of the features about this community that somewhat makes up for the fact that very few new posts are shared is the fact that all of the content has to be unseen anywhere else on Reddit. There’s a pretty big issue these days of Karma farming accounts just reposting the same GIF 20 times to different subreddits: that’s what /r/CantHold is trying to avoid at all costs. The flicks here are fresh and chances are, you haven’t seen them before. It’s an interesting idea and I commend the guy for sticking to his guns and making his place completely repost free.

Conclusion on CantHold

I was quite surprised that posts here are incredibly irregular, but now I understand why: it’s all about premium clips that you won’t find anywhere else on Reddit. The idea is great and the execution is top notch – I just wished that it updated a little more frequently than it currently does. Anyway, I still do suggest that you check out /r/CantHold from time to time to see something you haven’t before. Hot stuff that’s going to make you hard in a matter of minutes!

  • Great concept
  • Lots of clips
  • Fast growth
  • Average submission date
  • Very strict rules