Website Rank #431
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What is Cerdas?

Cerdas looks to be a pretty enjoyable site. They have a shit load of porn on this site that all looks fun as fuck and every video I have tried on this site so far has worked lovely without any ads popping up. So far, Cerdas is getting a massive thumbs up from me. However, can this site keep performing as I delve deeper into the axe wound of a pussy that is Cerdas? Well, we ain’t going to find that shit out if we stay in this section of the review for much longer are we, dear reader? So, grab two of each animal as we head into the ark of this site and find out what the fuck is going on with it!

The design of Cerdas

This is going to become a running theme with this site, but the design of Cerdas is a little crunchy. Now, I don’t mind a site having a slightly bad style or design, if the porn is good, then I can forgive that. However, the trouble with Cerdas is that they have a lot of the same old porn that you find on any porn tube site. This is a big problem for Cerdas because why the fuck should you choose to watch this porn on their site when you can go somewhere else and watch it in a nice environment? I honestly couldn’t tell you that right now!

Cerdas is a nice site, but everything about the design and styling of it is just one or two steps behind other porn tube sites. For example, all of the porn videos have a preview that works if you hover over them. However, it takes three seconds for it kick in (I timed it). You don’t have that issue on other sites. Also, the thumbnails are really squashed and don’t look right, again, another issue that you don’t find on other sites like these. Basically, Cerdas is crunchy as fuck, which may cost them dearly in this review.

The porn on Cerdas

Again, crunchy porn too. The porn on Cerdas is just a little worse than other sites. Don’t get me bloody wrong, there are some great porn scenes from your favourite pornstars on this site, but they start a little later into the scene, and they aren’t in HD and that sort of stuff. You know, there are great porn scenes on this site, but there seems to be a little thing that is just a little bit shitter about every porn scene on this site when compared with others.

Most of the porn scenes on this site are anywhere from 5-12 minutes long. Most porn scenes on other sites are about 12-15 minutes long. There are also some full-length porn scenes on Cerdas, to be fair to them. But are you starting to get the bloody idea now? Everything about Cerdas is just slightly worse on Cerdas than on other sites. Seemingly, porn viewers, like yourself, are catching onto this too as Cerdas doesn’t get many views per porn scene either. The most I can see a porn site has been viewed on this site is 6,351 times. Of course, I have checked every porn scene on this site, but that isn’t the best amount of views for a porn scene to have that has been up for three days.

The problem for Cerdas

Well, the problem for Cerdas is right there in front of you. There are thousands of porn tube sites that are doing everything that Cerdas is doing but slightly better. One of the biggest problems for Cerdas is that sites like PornHub exist. You see, Cerdas is in direct competition with PornHub. I see this shit every bloody day, and it blows my mind. These small sites decide to make a site just like PornHub in the hopes that people will watch porn on their site over PornHub. However, Cerdas gives us no fucking reason whatsoever to watch porn on their site. As I have said, the porn is worse, and the design, style and feel of this site are worst too.

The massive issue that sites like Cerdas have is that they are going up against the giant of the porn world. David only won against Goliath because that is a made-up story. Had that of been a real story, David would have had his head bashed in, and then he would’ve been eaten. Now, I am not saying that no porn site will ever beat out PornHub, but unless some site comes along with a billionaire attached to it that can invest a fuck load of money in beating out PornHub, it isn’t happening any time soon.

I leave this section of this porn review by saying this. No cunt with any sense or real concept of business is trying to beat out Amazon right now. Everyone knows that Amazon can destroy any cunt that tries. However, that doesn’t mean that cunts can’t co-exist with Amazon and make good money from doing so, but trying to beat out Amazon with a shittier website offering shittier stuff will never fucking work.

The Geek’s final thoughts on Cerdas

I think that the last section of this porn review pretty much sums up my thoughts of Cerdas. Now, Cerdas isn’t a really shit site by any means, it will get a fair score, but it isn’t anywhere near good enough to be going up against PornHub. By having the design it has and offering the porn it offers, whether they are trying to or not, Cerdas is going to head to head with PornHub and every other site like it. Cerdas cannot compete at that level!

  • HD porn
  • Updated daily
  • Some full-length scenes
  • Mostly short videos
  • Video descriptions