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What the fuck is Chatropolis?

Chatropolis is a naughty chatroom site with not much happening on it. When I first loaded up this chatroom site, I saw all of the chat rooms and got excited. However, on further exploration, there’s hardly any cunt in the chatrooms having a chat! Is there anything that this chat service can do to save itself from a low score from the geek? Well, grab your dictionary, your Dictaphone and your dick, and let’s get this review under way, shall we?

The chatrooms on Chatropolis

There are a total of 49 chat room locations when you arrive. This sounds impressive and I was impressed by all of the sexy chat rooms on this site at first. I thought I was about to have some dirty chat with some housewives in the housewives chatroom and some even dirtier chat in the cougar’s room. However, when you login into a chatroom on the website, you find hardly anyone on there. The biggest problem with the chatrooms is that no one actually talks on them! The only messages I saw on the chatrooms were just from robots sending links to other websites, you know, the adverts you see everywhere that never fucking work!

If these ads were sorted into some naughty messages from housewives and cougars, I couldn’t give a fuck, but the fact is, they are the only cunts writing anything. The rest of the chatroom is just full of GIFs and images from otherwise silent users that don’t chat. These GIFs and images appear in most of the chat rooms that I tried and are clearly the same users trying to get chats in different rooms! So much posted trash and there never seems to be anything better or an update or anything. Do the owners here not read the room? This should have been sorted last month, or even last year.

This place is a sausage fest!

For those that don’t know, a sausagefest occurs when there are more men in a chat than ladies. In all the rooms I tried, I found two women! Two, on the whole site! And, of course, these women don’t talk! I mean, have I missed something? I thought chat room spots were about chatting about and living out your fantasies or something. Chatropolis is just full of GIFs and images that have nothing to do with the topic of the chatrooms! Oh and please note: there are absolutely no illegal acts allowed on this chat site, so don’t go doing any dumb shit or you’re going to find your chat posting abilities revoked pretty damn quick!

The reality of adult chat rooms

I think it goes without saying that just by a quick screen name search, you’re going to find a lot of chat members here who are dudes. This is the nature of the beast when it comes to online discussion room services because, well, that’s just what’s going on. This particular niche hasn’t been updated in quite some time and a lot of genuine women that want to get some action are leaving to other services, like Tinder and whatever else. It’s just a fact of the genre that when you enter a place like this, you’re expecting the current number of chicks who are there are willing to respond to messages being rock bottom. This might seem like an issue for some of you, but what do you expect?

Thought the Internet would just have thousands of women in adult chat rooms that you could enter and utilize? Not happening, buddy! Still, I do want to say that if you’re smart, after a month or two, you can make yourself a total stud on these platforms. Be sure to stand out, because if you don’t, you can bet your ass that other dudes will be getting what little action there is by posting better messages and picking up the babes. Want Mr. Porn Geek to help you get better at chatting girls up online? Huh.

How to attract women on chat room services

I’m not going to devote too much time on what you should be doing in this regard, but I will say this: you’ve got to make sure that you’re standing out from the crowd when you access any XXX chat room! Post interesting things that women are going to pay attention to and make yourself a chat target that’s actually fun and enjoyable to be around. I find that no matter what’s going on, comedy is a great tool: always has worked for me in real life, so it stands to reason that if you’re able to translate that into the online world, things will be just fine for you. Oh, and naturally, being attractive when you share your screen and webcam is a great idea: time and time again, women have shown that they like attractive men, so the more physically appealing you are, the better. It also helps to have a huge cock, but if that’s an issue for you, don’t worry – nothing you can do about it. Just blame your dad for punishing you with his puny cock DNA!

The Geek’s final thoughts on Chatropolis

The design of this chatroom website is just as bad as the chatrooms themselves. There is nothing about this spot that is good at all! The chatrooms you access are just kinda garbage and have a bunch of weird dudes with screen name choices that make you laugh. I was in one chatroom for an hour while reviewing this site and fuck all happened! Clearly, this service doesn’t have the users to make this chatroom site any good at all! Leaving made the most sense to me. Find an updated spot and then we can talk – it’s a massive issue.

Chatropolis needs to completely redesign their website, make it more modern and hope this attracts some cunts into the rooms. Without the cunts, you don’t have a chatroom! Also, Chatropolis get some fucking girls into the chatrooms. Jesus Christ, I’ll bet that I’ve seen more dick in the last hour being in your chatrooms than I have on some of the gay porn sites I review! I know everyone thinks that I’m some type of cock-hungry guy that has a thing for dicks, but that’s not true. I’ve looked at them a bunch and it’s just not what I want on my screen. Anyway, that’s about all I wanted to cover on this topic – I think you can see that I’m passionate about this topic and yeah, we need an update from these guys as quickly as possible.

  • Lots of chatrooms
  • Lots of GIFs
  • Not a lot of chat
  • Not much admin
  • Sausagefest