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What is Darkwanderer?

Darkwanderer is a website all about naughty stories. These stories contain a shit load of stuff about naughty people fucking the brains out of other people. However, Darkwanderer and the stories on it mainly focus on wives, interracial and cuckolding themes. So, if you like these sort of porn stories, then I’m sure you’ll love a bit of Darkwanderer.

Now, I don’t get on porn sites like Darkwanderer much. I review a shit load of sites a day and so the last thing I want to do is read sexy stories when I have finished my day. That would very much be a busman’s holiday for me. However, I do review a shit load of sites like Darkwanderer. So, while my knowledge of this genre of porn is lacking, I know what I like in a porn site, and I know what a good site like Darkwanderer should look like. I gotta say that, so far, I am impressed with Darkwanderer. It looks like a nice place to read some porn, unwind and cum.

However, how will Darkwanderer stack up when I compared it to some other porn sites like this one? Will Darkwanderer crumble at the first hurdle or with it breeze past the sexy competition and become one of the best erotica sites on the web? Well, let’s get this review underway and find the fuck out, shall we?

The design of Darkwanderer

Well, finally a porn story site that actually looks good. My biggest gripe with most sites like Darkwanderer is that they look awful. As I have said time after time, just because the site needs to look basic so that you can read the stories easily, it doesn’t have to look like a pile of shit. Darkwanderer has nailed their design, this porn story site looks really modern and works really nicely. Darkwanderer actually feels like a nice place to spend some time, which is a vital component missing from shit loads of sites like these. Some of the stories on Darkwanderer are long as fuck, and no one cunt would read them if they were on a site that felt and worked like shit.

Darkwanderer will receive full marks on their website design, but they need to be careful. Darkwanderer is part of a porn network that has ads all over the site. However, these porn ads haven’t had a design update, and so they look shit because of how nice Darkwanderer looks. This does mean that Darkwanderer’s design looks a bit worse too. So, just be careful and consider updating the design of these porn ads too.

The stories on Darkwanderer

I haven’t read every story on Darkwanderer; I ain’t that invested in giving this site a complete going over, I have a life and one day, I would like to see my kids again instead of being sat in this prison cell somewhere in Russia writing these porn reviews. Anyway, from what I have seen, the stories on Darkwanderer are really good. A lot of them are really long with a shit load of great details!

Now, the quality of the stories on Darkwanderer wouldn’t be surprising if Darkwanderer was created by an author who wants to show off their sexy stories, but all the stories on Darkwanderer are made by the community on Darkwanderer. So far, I haven’t seen a single story on Darkwanderer that should have been written in blood on an asylum wall, so that is pretty impressive in my book. There are 737 pages of porn stories on Darkwanderer, I am sure if you looked hard enough, you’d find some shit on here, but so far, the stories are good.

The community on Darkwanderer

I can’t find any statics on how many members overall are on Darkwanderer, but I do know the number of members that are on the forums on this porn story site. I would imagine that this number is close to the number of members actually using the site, but I could be wrong about that. Anyway, there are 7,165 members on the forum of Darkwanderer. This is a really low number. There are a total of 124 people on this site right now, again, that’s low too.

Now, I can explain (I think) why Darkwanderer has such low numbers. It says near the top of the homepage that Darkwanderer has just been created (it also says that it started in 96, but I am trying to ignore that cos I want Darkwanderer to be a success cos it’s a good site), so it’s going to take some time for cunts to get onto the site. I don’t think that it will take Darkwanderer too long to grow, for a fresh site, it is doing well already, but clearly has a way to go yet.

I couldn’t tell ya what the fuck is going on with Darkwanderer if it was made in 96 and they have just updated it though. The design must have been fucking shocking to only have 7,000 members after 20 plus years.

The Geek’s final thoughts on Darkwanderer

I really hope that Darkwanderer is successful because it has a great layout, design and forum. All of the stories are great, and all of them have been written by talented members of the community. All Darkwanderer needs to do is get cunts on the site. So, I don’t ask you sexy little motherfuckers for anything usually, but how about this, go and show Darkwanderer some love. Go and check out the sexy stories, join the community, maybe write some sexy stories and let’s get Darkwanderer off the ground cos it is a good porn site it is just lacking a community!

  • Fairly good design
  • Good stories
  • Nice forums
  • Some videos
  • Not many members
  • Quite a lot of ads