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MrPornGeek checks out Dream Movies

When I first went on Dream Movies, I was really unsure as to what to make of it. It looks like a bag of dicks, but the site actually performs pretty well. Dream Movies is a selection of porn from all the known companies in America plus a few videos from Japan as well. I was pleasantly surprised by Dream Movies. From the looks of it, this porn site should be awful, but it actually isn’t!

It must be said that Dream Movies doesn’t have many porn videos on, perhaps 100, but all the ones I tried worked and were good quality. Some of the videos are a few seconds long, the ones of ladies dropping their boobs out of sports bra because that’s entertaining and fun. Others, however, are full-length scenes of some good quality shit. Of course, you may get pretty bored of the porn on Dream Movies as they don’t mention that they update it regularly, but it is certainly worth a squirt.

The design and layout of Dream Movies

The design of Dream Movies is fucking terrible, there is no way around it, this design needs to be completely redone. It is just another endless scrolling site with a shit background. The design of this site really makes it a not very nice place to be, which is a shame because the porn is very good! 

The layout too needs a lot of work. Currently, the thumbnails take up far too much of the page. I can see four videos before I need to scroll to see more. This is far worse on mobile and anything other than a full-sized computer screen too. I do like big thumbnails, but a lot of the thumbnails on this site just aren’t that good anyway so there is no need for them to be so big.

The only way of seeing some sort of description for each porn video is to hover over the video with your mouse. This is hardly a problem that only Dream Movies has, but if you’re going to try and use this site on mobile just know that you won’t have a fucking clue what you are about to watch!

The porn on Dream Movies

As I said, there really isn’t much of a selection of porn on Dream Movies. However, there are some good videos on the site. I wouldn’t go as far as to say that they are dream porn movies like that name suggests, but the porn on Dream Movies is okay. You can easily jerk off to any number of the porn videos on this site, but you may quickly run out of porn to watch if you are picky.

I am not sure whether Dream Movies updates the site with fresh porn regularly as there’s no information about this on the site. It would be nice if they did as there is probably less than a 100 porn videos on the site. Dream Movies also isn’t hosting any of their porn either, it is basically just a gateway to X Videos. If you click on a porno on Dream Movies and head over to X Video you may be tempted to stay on this porn site as there is a shit load more porn on that site.

Additional features for Dream Movies to consider

Well, Dream Movies needs to steal more videos from X Video and get them on the site. There just isn’t enough porn to keep your interested on this site. The quality is there, as a handpicked selection of porn, they have good taste, but they do not have the porn or the stamina to keep up with even the likes of me!

If Dream Movies wants to make it in the porn game, they have got to do something about their entire website. The entire design needs to be redone. Firstly, everything needs to be made a bit more modern; this includes the shitty green background. They also need to add a menu system and add loads of shit into it. They should add some categories, a pornstar list, featured, popular, that sort of thing. You know, all the things that make the porn pros good. This site right now looks like a child made it to show off their favourite porn from X Videos. If Dream Movies wants to be taken seriously, they have a lot of work to do.

Dream Movies also needs to work on its layout and the size of its thumbnails. Make them a little smaller and arrange them nicely on the page, it isn’t that difficult Dream Movies. Also, improve the quality of the thumbnails too, a lot of them are crap!

The Geeks final thoughts on Dream Movies

Dream Movies is just a site that links to X Videos. I don’t know whether X Videos own this site and use it to promote their offerings, but that’s what it feels like. It feels like a site that was made in a hurry without much care and then forgotten about. However, if Dream Movies is a real site that someone has created to make money from porn, then you fucked up. You need to go back to the sexy drawing board and start the design, layout and porn again. As I said, the porn on the site is a good selection, but all the porn links to X Videos, so it’s not really on Dream Movies at all.

If Dream Movies is a real site, then it is a hit and a miss, I’m afraid. There is just far too much work to be done on this site for me to give it a good review for some fairly good porn that is on every other site out there. Sorry Dream Movies, you’ve just got to try a little harder.

  • Good selection
  • Most videos work
  • Rubbish design
  • Awful layout
  • Not a lot of porn