Checking out DrPornTube
DrPornTube is a porn tube site if you didn’t guess that from the name. This site has a shit load of HD porn on it and is perhaps the biggest collector of Alison Tyler porn in the world. I dunno whether DrPornTube has just found out about Alison Tyler, but the homepage is littered with her amazing porn! Nothing makes me happier than watching an Alison porn video, so this porn site is already good in my book. However, can the doctor keep this shit up or will he come down with a serious medical condition? Well, let’s delve deeper into DrPornTube and find out, shall we?
The design of DrPornTube
I have to say that DrPornTube does have a really nice design. Sure it isn’t the most modern and clean design for a porn site, but for the most part, DrPornTube feels very nice to be on. The porn is nicely laid out, and even the bright red text doesn’t distract you too much, but that is only because the porn has such nice thumbnails that are, of course, interactive.
The backend of this site is really impressive. Now, DrPornTube does have a crapload of ads that pop-up when you try and play a porn video, these do get a little annoying, but once you are through these ads, the porn plays straight away like some sort of sexual reward for the few minutes you spend closing down ads. Unfortunately, porn sites like DrPornTube need to depend on ads to make money, so, while they are fucking annoying, I can’t really blame the doctor for putting this plague on his site.
The porn on DrPornTube
Right, so now we get to the juicy stuff. The porn on DrPornTube is really fucking good. As I said, the front page of this site is littered with Alison Tyler porn videos, I am a huge fan of Alison, and so this made me very happy. However, there are also videos from Karma RX, Sara Jay, loads of teen pornstars and a shit load of amateur porn too.
Much of the porn on DrPornTube is HD, and there are loads of full-length porn scenes on this site too. I can’t really fault the porn on this site at all. Sure there are lots of porn previews on this porn tube site, but that is expected on any porn tube site. The ratio of full-length scenes and previews is healthy, though!
The Geek’s final thoughts on DrPornTube
DrPornTube impressed me. The design of this site is nice, the porn is excellent, and they have some full-length porn scenes that I have seen on many porn sites, which is great. DrPornTube doesn’t have many views on their porn videos, which is a shame because this porn tube site is certainly one of the best I have reviewed in a long time! Go give DrPornTube some love!
- Nice design
- Lots of HD Porn
- Features the best pornstars
- Lots of ads
- A few broken links