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Ecchi on Reddit: my take

Hey folks – it’s Mr. Porn Geek back and today, I’m going to be talking to you about a very specific NSFW subreddit that goes by the name of Ecchi. For those that don’t know, this is a henti-related niche where the characters are seen doing fun stuff, being care free and otherwise erotic in nature. It’s not the easiest thing to define actually, so I’ll let the Wikipedia entry on Ecchi tell you what you need to know. That takes the heat off of Mr. Porn Geek having to give you the full story! Anyway, I’m quite excited to see what’s going on over at /r/Ecchi, so let’s crack on and take a look, shall we? This could be one place I’d recommend to everyone who loves anime porn!

First objective measurements on Ecchi

Everyone knows I’m the type of guy down to give objective analysis before anything else, right? Well let’s go ahead and do exactly that for /r/Ecchi. This is actually quite an old subreddit by all accounts – it was created way back in April of 2010 and is one of the most active NSFW spots on Reddit that has this type of age associated with it. They’re also in the top 200 communities with adult themes based on the fact that there are 180,000+ who follow this particular subreddit. The last thing I want to do is look at the flow rate of new content, so let’s sort the posts on Ecchi chronologically to achieve this. Turns out that around 100 new posts are made on a daily basis here – that’s incredibly high and yeah, a good sign that /r/Ecchi is a busy and enjoyable place to pick up hentai. Let’s inspect the content now.

The content on /r/Ecchi

For the purposes of seeing how good the content on Ecchi is, I’m only going to look at the highest rated links which have been added here in the last month. Note that Ecchi is an entirely picture-based subreddit – you may find one or two clips, but images are the vast majority of the submissions. You’ve got plenty of different styles of art and the sources seem to be a mixture of hand-drawn smut from amateur artists and people who produce this type of thing as a paid profession. Out of the top 50 posts that I looked at, I wanted to give you a taste of the best playful hentai I came across: Emilia and Rem showing off their asses at the beach was pretty nice, as well as this tight blonde piece wearing a swimsuit.

My conclusion on Ecchi

When all is said and done, Mr. Porn Geek is more than willing to recommend that you check out this subreddit if you’re interested in more softcore hentai. The thing about Ecchi is that you’ll not be seeing penetration or anything extreme here: it’s like those nude photography websites we have, only the focus is in anime girls looking sexy as hell. I think most of the folks out there looking for Ecchi know what it is anyway, so yeah – this place delivers exactly what it sets out to deliver. Anyway gang: my review here is done, so cheers for reading and happy hog squeezing! Don’t forget to check out my other NSFW Reddit community reviews when you have the chance!

  • Great Ecchi content
  • Incredibly active
  • Simplified rules
  • Limited clips
  • Some reposts