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What in the world is ENF CMNF?

Now, ya’ll know that when it comes to niches, Mr. Porn Geek can enjoy pretty much anything. With that said, the CMNF niche isn’t exactly something that I’m jerking my meat to, but I understand why a couple of people get hot and horny over that type of material. If you’re one of those folks, be sure to check out the blog up for review here:

Why should you? Because its devoted to embarrassment, forced nudity and the general shyness of submissive women. All those letters in the site name may seem confusing to a newbie but if you’re into cmnf porn then you already know that ENF means embarrassed nude female and cmnf is shorthand for clothed male, naked female. Just for fun, they even throw in some CFNF content (that would be clothed female, naked female). It’s a feminist’s worst nightmare but you’ll get a kick out of it! Let’s jump on in and take a look around, shall we?

What makes ENF CMNF worth your while

The good news is that ENF CMNF still updates with new posts, sometimes as many as five a day. That said, I haven’t seen any in the last few days … maybe the writer took a break or something, but I hope their fetish blogs start up again soon!

The content is typically always a video with a brief description of what happens, as well as a bunch of tags like Japanese, forced nudity, blackmail and the like that gives you the ability to find similar content on the blog. There are 1,200 total blog posts on – for the niche nature of this feature, that’s pretty good.

The thing about this cmnf enf blog though is that it’s loaded with both pictures and videos. Sure the videos outnumber the photos but if you prefer your enf porn served up in still form, you’ll appreciate the lengths they go to to ensure that they have enough pictures for you to enjoy.

Its also tempting to just write this off as a cmnf blog because the sheer number of cmnf porn outweighs any other kind of porn but like the name says this is both an enf blog and a cmnf blog. It covers both rather adequately.

You can find out how the back story of how this blog came to be by checking out the About section. This is also where you can get a quick break down of the niche in general and all the terms you’ll encounter as you browse through the site. Its a quick cheat sheet of sorts if you’re new to this particular niche.

Tags are a big thing on this cmnf enf blog and quite possibly your best bet to quickly check out all the cmnf porn this site offers. You never know what you’ll find here because there seems to be a little bit of everything from the usual humiliation, hazing and blackmail to stuff like blackmail and mind control.

Things definitely take a darker turn when you click on tags like naked at gunpoint and abduction. You can balance out all that darkness by clicking on lighthearted tags like naked news, naked for delivery guy, naked on catwalk or even nude at work.

A big part of ENF is being coerced into doing something so there’s plenty of forced exhibitionism, forced masturbation and just general forced nudity. Of course if this isn’t stuff you’re comfortable viewing, you probably want to stay away from that part of the blog.

Want something even more specific? Be sure to check out what the medical ENF tag has to offer. I counted 63 blog entries that should make anyone with a medical fetish extremely happy.

There’s more to this site than just the blog though so if you’re looking for fresh material, especially on days when no new updates are posted on the blog – check out the forum. This is where you can interact with like-minded perverts who have the same appreciation for this niche like you do. There are over 12,600 members and new posts are added daily – sometimes even hourly. The best way to enjoy the full forum experience is by signing up for an account. Its free of charge.

I want to conclude our tour of this site by pointing out a section of the blog I don’t feel gets a lot of attention and that’s the stories section. Sure, we’re all visual creatures by nature so our natural instinct is to gravitate towards the flashy pics and vids but if you really want to get your imagination sent into overdrive (in a good way) then by all means stop by the cmnf stories section. There are 87 stories right now and new ones aren’t posted often but the ones there are super hot. I have to say that the true stories – at least the ones labeled as such – are the ones that really caught my eye!

Mr. Porn Geek’s final thoughts on ENFCMNF

This blog is simply one of the best in this niche. There’s quite a bit of content to get you your fix of embarrassed nude chicks if you’re into that kind of thing – and it helps that the people running the blog are actually into this kind of stuff too. Its not updating as often as I’d personally prefer but new posts are being added so the blog is not completely dead. Like I said, this kind of content does nothing for me but if it gets your dick hard then this site should be on your list of bookmarks.

  • Interesting niche
  • Regular updates
  • Writer is AWOL this week
  • Mainly videos