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MrPornGeek’s insights on Erosberry

Erosberry is a photo lovers dream! I love photos of hot women doing hot shit, so this site is perfect for me! is a mixture of high end photos from porn shoots and clearly slightly lower end photos. So, not all photos on the site are exceptional; there are some strange positions being displayed here, some are amazing, and some never need to be done again! However, these strange photos do not ruin the session by any means. You can have a great time on ErosBerry, I know I have for the past hour!

The homepage contains all of the recent activity on Eros Berry; you also have the option to view the models (do that, it’s great) and top-rated photos too. Its a great compilation of incredible women in some great positions. If, like me, you enjoy staring at naked women for hours then, check this site out!

Design of ErosBerry

The design of the isn’t too bad. It’s pretty much like every mediocre porn site’s layout. I do like the categories and options you have in the main navigation bar, but other than that it is just a few columns of videos and photos. One part of the design that I do really enjoy is the placement of the ads. The only ad I saw (I do have AdBlocker installed to complete these reviews in a timely fashion) was really small and not in your face. Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing wrong with boobs in my face, but ads annoy me if they cover a site. I like seeing what I came for on a site, I didn’t come on to look at porn ads, I came on it to cum and, you’ll be pleased to know, that you cum without feeling like your brain is being penetrated by ads!

Video playback on ErosBerry

Some of the video playback on is really bad! The buffering periods are reminiscent of those of the 90’s! I tried a video of one of the sexiest women I’ve ever seen and got bored of waiting for the fucking thing to load. However, I did try another video (a teaser from BrattySis), and this one worked great! So, the playback speed may not be ErosBerry fault, but it needs to sort it out!

I would imagine that ErosBerry considers itself more of a gallery of photos than a gallery of videos, though. And that is obvious with the layout of the site. The layout focuses more on photos than it does on videos, and I am perfectly okay with that. All the photos load really quickly and they are the highest quality possible. When you click on them, you get to enjoy loads of photos from the same shoot, with the same sexy lady!

If you have patience, then the video playback thing may not be an issue for you, but I am impatient and want my porn as quickly as possible! I know that is a childish reason not to like a large portion of the content on this site, but I am childish so deal with it.

Additional features for ErosBerry

ErosBerry’s porn is pretty good. I love the photo galleries and think they could just make the site a photo gallery and enjoy many visitors to the site. However, they clearly want to expand into video too, and so they need to get faster hosting to make the videos bearable to watch! I am not hanging around for a porn video to buff when there are loads of sites where I don’t have to wait, I have shit to do!

There is no question that the ErosBerry galleries are great! They have some of the sexiest women in the world in their photo galleries in some amazing positions and scenes. Plus, you can follow a link and find out more about the scene and watch the video if you wish. If anything, the site would benefit more if they keep this as the main feature. Just keep the awesome galleries of high-quality photos with links to other sites for the video, it will make the user experience far better in my opinion.

Another feature that I don’t think the site really needs is the reviews. You can review each gallery of images and give it a star rating. It didn’t work for YouTube, and I’m not sure it works here either. It’s just weird to see an amazingly hot girl with a 3-star review because some fat dude jacking off into a sock didn’t like the way her ass looked in one of the photos. That fat dude was me, by the way!

The Geek’s final thoughts on Eros Berry is a really enjoyable site to visit. It has some amazing photos and galleries on there, but the video playback really lets the site down. If you fancy looking at some incredible photos of nude women, ErosBerry nudes are fucking awesome! I’m sure there are some other porn sites that show even more photos than this, but it is a fine collection of fine women doing some fine shit! If you’re into full-length HD porn, Eroberry porn is not for you! It just can’t keep up with the awesomeness that it is trying to host.

Overall, Eros Berry is good, it’s not exceptional, there are some flaws that can not be ignored! But I enjoyed staring at hot women for the hour it took me to review this site. In fact, it should have only taken me about 20 minutes to review this site, so it certainly distracts you and keeps you busy!

So, yeah, Eros Berry is good, not great, but my sock certainly needs a clean now. There you go, to sum up ErosBerry in one foul-mouthed sentence, it will make your sock dirty, but it won’t be overflowing with fun juice!

  • Great collection of photos
  • Rabbit hole of porn!
  • Discrete ads
  • Buffering periods
  • No full screen