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Extra Mile: Mr. Porn Geek’s subreddit analysis

Everyone knows that when you want to get people to visit your subreddit, the name is the most important thing. Someone at /r/ExtraMile must’ve missed the memo, since this place gives absolutely no indication from the get go with regard to the niche that it’s supposed to be exploring. To remove all confusion, Extra Mile refers to the fact that in some movies, TV shows and other types of media, certain actresses are willing to go above and beyond for the purposes of realism. Put simply, it’s about sex from mainstream performers – sounds pretty good, right? Well the execution here is the most important thing, so let’s see what’s going on over at Extra Mile to give you a good idea of whether or not it’s any good.

First thoughts on Extra Mile

To kick things off, Mr. Porn Geek wants to spend a small amount of time going over the metrics surrounding this particular community – it’s wise to know what’s what when it comes to the data! For a start, this is somewhat new subreddit, since it was only just created in November of 2014. That’s quite impressive, especially since there are over 171,000 followers – you’d struggle to find a newer place with more attention than this one, especially in the celebrity XXX niche. Now the last metric I want to talk about is the new link share rate: I’m afraid it’s not such a pretty tale. When sorting posts chronologically, you’ll find that /r/ExtraMile is incredibly strapped for content, with just 25 new posts in the last 2 months. Quite a shame, but I suppose it does make sense – it’s not the easiest of genres to get content for!

Subjective content review on /r/ExtraMile

Next up, Mr. Porn Geek plans to subject himself to some of the content so we know what we’re getting ourselves into! I figured it’d actually be best just to look at the highest rated links here of all time – I rarely do this, but the nature of the content at /r/ExtraMile makes it pretty much a requirement. As expected, literally every single entry was a short clip in MP4 format that had been uploaded to GFYCat: very nice to see. I decided to look at every single one of the top 25 links and thought I’d share my favorites, which would be this one of Aya Wolf in Mia and then Raquel Martinez in Diet of Sex. The second link is particularly interesting: although this comes from a mainstream film, it’s pretty much just porn!

The final word on ExtraMile

I won’t beat around the bush here: I think that /r/ExtraMile is a pretty good subreddit and you’d be foolish not to check it out if you like the idea of seeing mainstream actresses engaging in genuine erotic fun. The premise of this place is great, but it does suffer from a slow rate of new content being shared. Ultimately, looking at the highest rated links of all time is probably the way to go for the purposes of hog squeezing. I had an extreme amount of fun here and I’m sure you will too – cheers for reading and be sure to come back to Mr. Porn Geek’s review platform whenever you need new advice on the best porn subreddits around. No one knows the NSFW side of Reddit quite like I do!

  • Great theme
  • Lots of clips
  • High quality content
  • Incredibly slow to update
  • Some strict rules