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Extreme Porn Games

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A little game information

So Extreme Porn Game is actually just a working title for a website called Free Adult Games. The name should probably give you clue of what to expect – lots of different titles to enjoy in one destination that combine hot video games with adult themes. I actually went looking around the Internet to see if anyone has reviewed Free Adult Games or Extreme Game – neither had been covered before, so this is an exclusive look at this website and what it has to offer. I’m really excited for the opportunity to boldly go where no man has gone before, so let me sign up and sign in to write you a complete review on what I found inside the member’s area of this promising website.

The initial experience

I eventually ended up inside the member’s area for this site at a destination called My User Vault – I’m not sure why they’ve got so many different titles for what is the same place, but I’m sure there’s probably a pretty good reason for it. Now then, when you’re logged in you’ll see a list of online webcam girls, some 3D cartoon porn videos in a variety of niches and links along the top of the page to take you to the real place you want to visit. It appears that Extreme Game comes with a bunch of bonus features, but we’re just going to focus on the games above everything else.

So the games area here has around 25 titles for you to pick from, including ones such as Grand Fuck Auto, Call of Booty and Prison Sluts. These seem to be the blockbuster titles, whereas you’ll also find less popular games such as Strip Poker and Leisure Slick Lenny (I’m imagining themed somewhat similarly to Leisure Suit Larry) further down the page. I felt that I’d start with Grand Fuck Auto since that was the one right in front of my face – I can’t tell you how excited I was to see just how good this game could be.

The Grand Fuck Auto review

The game loads in your browser and some real bass-riddled music plays before the bar fills completely up. It doesn’t seem like you can mute this until the title fully loads, so you’ll either have to make do or turn down your whole PC volume to deal with it. It took about 30 seconds for Grand Fuck Auto to finish loading up and you’re given a quick overview of how the game works before you click ‘continue’. Now the premise here is quite simple: you drive around until you see a love heart on the street, roll over it and then have a conversation with a prostitute. They’ll ask you a question and then you can answer with responses like “Get in whore! Let’s roll” and “I was thinking of having some fun yea”.

I went with option one and before I knew it, the prostitute jumped in the car and I was now suddenly driving around trying to evade police that were ramming me with their cars. The gameplay is all top-down like the original Grand Theft Auto titles, only the graphics are a little bit clearer. Once I’ve picked up the slut, my task is then to go and find a safe spot for us to fuck. Park up here and then it’s a mini-game of sliding your mouse sideways to fuck the slut’s pussy while she records it on her iPhone to share on Snapchat (or whatever it is that girls do when fucked on the hood of a car these days).

Note that you can actually lose if you don’t play the game right – I accidentally went to solicit sex out of an undercover police officer and was busted immediately. Quite interesting that an adult game such as this has loss conditions: I don’t think I’ve seen that before! Anyway, I’ve got over the basics of Grand Fuck Auto and what you can expect here, so let me talk a bit about the other games so you can get more of an idea of what to expect when you sign up to Extreme Game.

BDSM Discipline’s kinky fetish offerings

For those of you that enjoy getting a little sick and twisted, you might want to check out BDSM Discipline. This is an adult game where a young, innocent blonde girl finds herself in a room with you, her new master. It’s all point and click stuff where your first option is whether or not to slap the girl hard or soft – you decide by the speed at which you flick your mouse. It then continues on with cane spanking, hardcore fucking, titty grabbing and so on. You basically get to dictate the way that you dominate this fresh piece of schoolgirl ass – it’s quite the experience and like we’d expect, able to be played with just one hand. Note that this BDSM game can get pretty hardcore, so unless you’re in the mood for some real rough stuff, probably best to play something else.

The other adult game titles available

I don’t want to spoil too much for you with regard to what to expect in these games, but all of the other titles I tried were fully functional and completely X-rated. I quite like that you get a large range of themes to enjoy and different play styles and artworks too – Extreme Porn Game is pretty damn cool in that regard. All in all, I think most people hunting around the Internet for adult games are going to be satisfied with what they find inside. You’ll actually notice at the top of the games page, you’ve got plenty of sub-pages like Hustletown, Battle Babez and Hentai Games to click on. These open up more available games and as far as I can tell, there are hundreds in total that you’ll get access to when signing up.

With so many games themed around porn and sex, it’s little wonder that Extreme Game is considered by many to be a hotspot for a seamless blend of great gaming and hardcore porn. Well worth checking out – go take a look and see for yourself!

Please note: The games on the website are not owned by MrPornGeek. To contact this website’s customer service, email [email protected] or call 877-283-5293.

  • Great character designs
  • Lots of options
  • Amazing sound
  • Limited game world
Extreme Porn Games