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Exxxtras: the Mr. Porn Geek review

Reddit has always been one of those places where you’ll find interesting content and niches that you didn’t know existed before you went to them. I’m actually going to be reviewing one such destination here for you – it goes by the title of Exxxtras and while the title might not be immediately obvious with its content intention, I’ll let you know what the deal is here. See, /r/Exxxtras is all about stuff that happens during porn shoots that doesn’t make it to the final copy of the DVD – we’re talking behind the scenes fucking, bloopers and that type of thing. An interesting idea, but what’s the subreddit actually like? Continue on down below for Mr. Porn Geek’s full, expert opinion on /r/Exxxtras!

Initial objective analysis on Exxxtras

This subreddit was created in September of 2013, so it’s around 6 years old at the time of writing this review. They must hit over 250,000 followers, which makes it around the 100th mark in terms of number of followers for a NSFW community on Reddit. I think that a place like this doesn’t need to have a strictly busy submission schedule because of the inherently rare nature of the content, but I was happy to see after sorting links by new that /r/Exxxtras has around 15 new posts on a daily basis. This is just below average, but again – the fact that it has this focus makes it more than reasonable. We will have to determine whether the content is decent or not though, so let’s go ahead and do exactly that!

Subjective take on /r/Exxxtras

Let’s sort the scenes here on /r/Exxxtras based on the number of upvotes within the last year: I think this is the best way to see what type of material is most coveted. The top post is an interesting one – Asa Akira finishes up a gangbang scene and helps a few more black guys cum that really want to bust nuts in her Asian holes. I think one of my favorite clips was this blonde girl jerking off a cock in the back room though – she gets one of her friends interested and then a whole blowjob and handjob party kicks off. I think what most people enjoy about the type of material that Exxxtras has is that the people involved aren’t getting paid to have that interaction – it’s all natural and just for the pleasure of it.

My final thoughts on Exxxtras

As a concept, this subreddit is pretty good. In terms of execution, it’s fantastic. Mr. Porn Geek was surprised to see so many submissions and interesting clips here – I love that Reddit can sometimes come up with really interesting fetishes and yeah, Exxxtras is doing god’s work in this regard. Definitely a place to check out for yourself and if you get the chance, subscribe so you can always see more content from this top-tier Reddit smut hub! Okay gang: that’s me done, cheers for reading and happy fapping.

  • Great niche
  • Relatively active
  • Lots of clips
  • Not always porn
  • Bouts of inactivity