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The Geek discovers sex tapes on Fappenist

Fappenist is a site that leaks nude photos of celebrities and contains a handful of sex tapes too. Some of these sex tapes Fappenist claim to have leaked themselves. While others are just reuploaded from porn sites. Fappenist also contains loads of images of celebrities having wardrobe malfunctions and stuff like that. Most of the celebrities on Fappenist seem to be online celebrities and Instagram models that are just being all sexy and stuff on their social media accounts. Still, there’s a handsome collection of naked images of real celebrities on here too.

The porn on Fappenist

I wouldn’t consider much of Fappenist’s content to be porn. The sex tapes, of course, are porn. However, this is amateur porn at best! When a celebrity sex tape comes out, we all jump on that shit to see how they perform. Shockingly, even the most beautiful people in the world have sex just like us common cunts. I mean, what are we expecting? These celebrities to be just as good as pornstars? Celebrities are famous for acting, for singing, for doing fuck all. Why would they be good at porn? So, the porn on Fappenist is pretty much amateur porn. It is just that we know the people in the porn. There’s also some leaked images of celebrities on here that may be considered porn. Leaked images they have sent to partners and shit like that. Of course, it’s excited to see celebrities naked, but is it really porn? I suppose it depends on what you consider porn to be. I don’t consider this shit porn at all, Fappenist is a glorified news site.

The Geek’s main issue with Fappenist

As I just said, I believe that Fappenist is just a glorified news site. They jump on these leaked images and wardrobe malfunctions because they know the public will want to see them. We bask in the glory of knowing that celebrities are just as human like us and they can royally fuck up as bad as us. But of course, they can! To send a nude and have it leaked is to be human nowadays. Frankly, I find Fappenist and all “porn” sites like this boring as fuck! This isn’t porn, this is a few famous titties!

Is Fappenist worth checking out?

If you like fake news and social media wannabe celebrities getting their muffs out for attention so one day they can enjoy a billionaire lifestyle without having to put in the hard work that most people do then Fappenist will be great for you. There’s plenty of nudity on Fappenist, but shit like this isn’t needed. I know that is a fascination with nude celebrity photos, but it isn’t needed. These ladies are just fucking women, sure they happen to be extremely attractive, but this whole leaking culture is fucking stupid. Fappenist is a very bland site without much porn on it. Sorry, but it’s true!

  • Loads of nip slips
  • Really hot women
  • Good design and layout
  • Not much porn