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MrPornGeek checks out FootFetishBooru

I have nothing wrong with people having a fetish, but FootFetishBooru takes the biscuit! This site is all about cartoon drawings of feet. Some of the cartoon ladies are posing with their feet on show, others are having their toes sucked and others look like a drawing that a child would do explaining where the nasty man touched him! From these foot fetish images, I can deduce that FootFetishBooru is probably a fan-made site. Because whenever we have a fan-made site, we have to scroll through a bunch of crap porn that looks like it should have been drawn in crayon and put on a parents fridge only to be laughed at each time the parent got the wine out of the fridge because their child is a disappointment.

FootFetishBooru is a laughably bad site. Honestly, the porn is terrible. I can’t even imagine that people who love feet would love this pile of bollocks and the entire rest of the site is shit too. Is there any saving grace for FootFetishBooru? No, it’s awful, but let’s get on with this site review anyway!

The design of FootFetishBooru

FootFetishBooru looks like the face you’d pull if you were served a bag of rats thrown in a blender, put back in the bag, thrown in a canal and then piled on a plate at a fancy restaurant. The design and layout of this site don’t function well on full screen on my computer and is completely fucked when I try and view it on half screen. I can only imagine what the fuck this site would look like on mobile, probably like throw up!

Also, for a site that is only offering photos, the speeds are fucked too. The speeds on this site are like there is a hamster in a wheel generating power for this site to function, only the hamster is a smoker…and dead. There is nothing about this porn sites design, layout or speeds that is any good at all. If you love some images of cartoon feet, then be prepared to wait a week for FootFetishBooru to load the images. The only way this site could be worse in design is if it was just a blank screen. In fact, no, that would make this site a lot better!

The porn on FootFetishBooru

As you may have deduced, the porn on FootFetishBooru isn’t for me. It is just some fan-made foot fetish cartoons that I don’t understand at all. However, I try to put all that kind of shit aside to conduct these reviews professionally, cos I’m a professional porn site reviewer. So, if looking at cartoon images of feet is your thing, awesome, cool, love ya! However, there are some really awful drawings on this site, I don’t mean the content of the drawing, I mean that they are the drawings of a mad man on a beer mat in a pub after one too many.

Even if I could get past the shit mad man drawings that were likely drawn in blood, the thing I can’t deal with about FootFetishBooru is everything, but also that the thumbnail for each foot image is so fucking small! And then when you click on the image, it’s blown up so big that you can’t see anything. You have to scroll around the page to make out any feet, any part of a person, anything. This is just school-yard shit for a website developer. Even I know how to adjust the size of an image on a website, and I am a moron! Fuck this site is bad!

Additional features for FootFetishBooru to consider

Nothing, do not add anything to this site! This is the time of the review when I go Gordon Ramsey on these cunts asses after he’s just seen the state of the fridge, I am shutting these cunts down! You have made the worst site we have ever reviewed and we’ve reviewed a lot of awful site! You don’t deserve visitors to your site because it is shit, weird and really bad!

If you were actually reading this review for some helpful additional features to consider adding to FootFetishBooru, then please do start the entire site again. Delete everything and start from scratch. Squarespace websites aren’t that expensive, get one of them, watch a YouTube video on how to set it up and host your odd porn on there. This site should die though; I hope you know that FootFetishBooru. This site shouldn’t exist, it is really bad. Perhaps no one told you that people aren’t interested in cartoon foot porn, but NO ONE IS FUCKING INTERESTED IN CARTOON FOOT PORN!!

The Geeks final thoughts on FootFetishBooru

Oh, it’s great, what a lovely site! It’s shit and I hate it! Honestly, I feel like the Geek sent this to me to review as some sort of prank, but as I know he’s currently in a gulag somewhere in the freezing cold, I doubt it. Unless he has created this porn site as some kind of code for me to try and help him escape. I think he wants me to suck his toes, dunno how that will help him escape, but he’s my boss, so I guess I better to sucking his frostbitten toes!

That’s how bad this site, I just considered sucking the Geeks frostbitten toes, rather than looking at this piece of garage site any more. FootFetishBooru is god awful and I wouldn’t wish this site on my worst enemy. In fact, I wouldn’t even send this site to my best friend to check out and laugh at. It is laughable that this site is this bad, but even my best mate doesn’t deserve to see it!

  • Lots of photos
  • Rubbish design
  • Crap layout
  • Poor loads speeds