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My little visit to Fuqer

You’d be amazed at how many people visiting Mr. Porn Geek love checking out my collection of reviews devoted to XXX videos platforms. Today, I’m not going to disappoint you with an unrelated review on a website you don’t like: this one’s all about the goodies that come from platforms offering free, unrestricted access to porn clips from some of the best studios and amateurs around. actually has quite a big reputation, so I’m eager to jump in and let you know what I find. Let’s just say that I think anyone addicted to free porn videos is going to love this website!

My initial impression of Fuqer

So what you’ll notice upon visiting the homepage here is that the team behind Fuqer just want to give you access to the videos that you want without any of the bullshit. The bulk of the content area without scrolling down is devoted to showing you videos that are currently being watched, with rich snippets giving you an idea of what each video has to offer. These snippets include a preview image from the scene, a full title, the clip length, its view count, rating and lastly, when it was uploaded to Fuqer. That’s a lot, but it doesn’t feel too crowded or cumbersome to look at – just the right balance between information and cleanliness.

Scroll down a little and you’ll see what I imagine to be the latest videos added to the archive. Interestingly enough, it doesn’t appear that fresh flicks are added to the archive of on a regular basis: around two new videos per day is the current schedule, which compared to a lot of other destinations is incredibly limited. Further down still, has a collection of galleries that you can check out and some other meta information, such as comments, some general details and other stuff. All the way at the top of the website, has a few useful links that we’ll take a closer look at right now.

Header links from Fuqer

Some alongside the standard ‘home’ link, has a few useful destinations that you can instantly access thanks to the quick navigation tools at the top of the site. You can check them out at your leisure, but I want to mention a couple that are going to make you very happy indeed. The first is the top rated area, which as the name suggests is 100% devoted to showcasing you the most popular material when it comes to the critical acclaim side of the content collection they’ve got here. Turns out the #1 video here was uploaded over 6 years ago, so it seems reasonable to suggest that has been and will be around for quite some time to come! Alongside the rating sort feature, you’ve also got places to navigate for the number of views a particular video has collected. The #1 video in this regard has 5+ million looks: quite the popular destination if you ask me. These are the two main places I’d suggest you check out, but you can also sort based on number of comments and length if those are of any interest to you. Now then, let’s try some porn, shall we?

Looking at the porn on Fuqer

I think it’s always important to remember that tube websites are devoted to videos, so the best way to determine whether or not a site is good is by looking at their smut. The first clip I decided to try out featured this skinny slut with a great figure getting fucked hard on a bed. It lasted 12 minutes in length and kicked off immediately with the sex: no nonsense here! Video quality is good and the streaming happened without buffering, although I wasn’t a huge fan of the interface devoted to managing the video being played. The full-screen button was weird, I accidentally went back to the start trying to change the volume and a few other micro issues that didn’t align with what I’d consider good design philosophy. You’ll also need a membership here to download videos easily – you can’t even inspect the source and grab the scene that way without running into a 403 error. All in all, a mixed experience here: could be a lot worse, but is hardly the worst porn streaming service I’ve come across.

Below all of the videos, you’ve got quite a lot of meta information that you might want to utilize, including tags associated with the porn clip, who it was uploaded by and additional features such as saving it to your favorites and embed information. Categories here aren’t the easiest to find to be honest with you: there doesn’t seem to be a page devoted just to showing all of them, so you’ll have to navigate by proxy and finding a scene that matches what it is that you want. This is obviously backward – you want to use a category to get the videos you’re after!

Some final thoughts on Fuqer

Overall, I don’t think that is a terrible website, but I wouldn’t consider it the best tube website out there either. Lots of features ought to be available here that simply aren’t: a big issue if you’re someone that wants to have the cream of the crop when it comes to watching porn online. Ideally, I’d like to see a few extra features added to and additionally, a big focus on adding more material at a regular rate. The lack of easily identifiable categories seems like an easy fix, as is giving people download options without having to be members on the website. This is still a great place to check out and I think it’s probably in the top 10% of tube destinations out there – it’s just going to have to work harder to break into the 1%. Anyway gang: I’m done here – thanks for reading and be sure to check back again in future for more great reviews on the best porn tubes out there. Take care and I hope your next orgasm session is better thanks to me!

  • Great vanilla porn
  • Good sorting features
  • Bonus photo collections
  • Downloads require account
  • Average clip length