Website Rank #30


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GayPornstarsTube- what’s the site about?

GayPornstarsTube is a gay site, no shit, right! This site features the best gay pornstars in the world in some of the best gay porn scenes ever shot. Sounds great, right? Well, normally we’d agree, but there some shit things about GayPornstarsTube that really lets it down. There is no denying that this gay site has some of the best gay pornstars on it in the world, but is that enough to make this site good? Let’s delve into the ass of this review and find the fuck out, shall we?

The pornstars on GayPornstarsTube

As we said, GayPornstarsTube holds a huge collection of gay pornstars. Any gay pornstar that you’ve heard of is on this site, which is awesome, of course, and usually, this would be enough for this site to get a great review. However, there are simply too many other things wrong with this site to give it a great review. Just because GayPornstarsTube has the pornstars, it doesn’t mean that it has the porn to make it a great site as we are about to find out.

The porn videos on GayPornstarsTube

All of the gay porn videos on GayPornstarsTube are between 5 and 6 minutes long. This is way too short for any wanking to take place. The fact is, that the porn on this site just isn’t up to par with the pornstars that are featured. If the porn videos on this site were full scenes, I would give this site the best review going, but the fact that the scenes are so cut down and edited, just makes every porn video a waste of your time.

The one feature that lets GayPornstarsTube down

I tried to watch some of the porn videos on this gay site to give the site a fighting chance in this review. However, even with a freshly upgraded Flash Player, this site still needed an additional Flash Player to play any video. This is really disappointing. The porn videos on this site are not worth the effort required to play them! What is the point of this site, to try and turn gay people straight by denying them access to gay porn?

The Geeks final thoughts on GayPornstarsTube

I thought that GayPornstarsTube could have been the gay version of PornHub, so I was truly disappointed when I found just another shit site. There are no full-length scenes on this site, and none of the porn videos work without some fancy flash player. Plus, when the porn videos do work, you have a matter of minutes to jerk off to them! Come on, GayPornstarsTube, gay people deserve better porn than this! The gay porn on this site isn’t worth your effort. Yeah sure, they have the best pornstars in the world, but the porn is so fucking short that no pornstar could make this shit good!

  • Lots of gay pornstars
  • Good selection of videos
  • Bad design
  • Short videos