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The Geek explores GaySex69

GaySex69 is a fantastic Japanese gay site. This site has 63 pages of gay porn. Sure, this isn’t the most amount of porn I have ever seen on an Asian porn site, but if this stuff is as long as the other Japanese porn that I have seen in my travels, then we could be on to a winner, boys! If GaySex69 offers us porn that is traditionally Japanese (long as fuck), then this site could overtake all other gay sites that I have reviewed. I am excited, I am seeing blurry cocks, and I am ready to get this site’s review underway. So, let’s dive right in, shall we?

GaySex69 is what a porn site should look like!

The moment I arrived on GaySex69, I knew this SHOULD be a great site! The styling of this site is really nice. Most Japanese sites look like this, and I am a fan. They have very clean and modern designs that show off the porn perfectly. What most Western porn sites are still figuring out that the Japanese sites like GaySex69 understand is that the porn needs to be at the forefront. So, when you arrive on GaySex69, you won’t find any ads on the homepage or anything, just porn. The ads come when you land on a porn video to watch, but they aren’t intrusive at all. GaySex69 has one of the nicest styles of any site I have reviewed recently. And I am sure we can all bloody agree this nice atmosphere to watch porn is rare for a gay site!

The porn on GaySex69

I have reviewed loads of Japanese sites (mainly straight porn sites). However, I had high hopes that GaySex69 could deliver the porn that I expected it to. This porn, of course, is classic Japanese porn where each scene is well over an hour long. I wasn’t disappointed. Most of the porn I have watched on GaySex69 was well over the hour mark. There are a few scenes that come in under the half an hour mark, which is frankly a mere seconds in comparison to most Asian porn. However, these porn scenes are still excellent and long enough to tickle your pickle to!

My final thoughts on GaySex69

GaySex69 is a fantastic site. It looks beautiful, and the gay porn on this site is top-notch. The only thing about GaySex69 that I could consider a negative is that this gay site doesn’t have too much uncensored porn. However, GaySex69 is still one of the best gay sites I have ever reviewed! If you can enjoy blurry dicks and butt holes, you will love GaySex69! This site has impressed me from the moment I arrived and has worked perfectly and provided loads of wanking material. It can’t get better than GaySex69!

  • Full-length porn scenes
  • Loads of HD porn
  • Lovely website to use
  • Mostly censored porn
  • Not many categories