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Mr. Porn Geek at GIFs Gone Wild

Oh man, I’ve got a lot of things to talk about before jumping into this review! So for a start, the ‘gone wild’ element of this subreddit just means that it’s devoted to amateur content that is also original. What I mean by this is that all posts on /r/GIFsGoneWild will come from people who actually feature in the porn they’ve shared. Secondly, it doesn’t seem like GIFs are actually the content format this place uses any more: WebM/MP4 via GFYCat is the main source of smut. So in short, GIFs Gone Wild is a Reddit hub where people can share short clips of themselves having NSFW fun – got it? Good! Now let’s do the damn review.

The key metrics of /r/GIFsGoneWild

I’m a gentleman that is wooed by statistics, so let me give you some of the raw facts on GIFs Gone Wild. For a start, this community was created back in October of 2012, making it roughly average in terms of age. There are currently 215,000+ followers, which seems to grow at a reasonable rate on a day to day basis. As for the content, you’ll find that after sorting by new, around 15 posts are posted here every 24 hours. This is slightly below average if I’m being completely honest and I’m not sure why, but I guess we’ll just have to let it slide for the time and being. I’m actually quite keen to look at the content now, so let’s look for something to squeeze our hogs over.

GIFsGoneWild: the best posts

I’m only looking for the cream of the crop here, so let’s find the best posts of the last year – if you want to see the list for yourself, click here and it’ll come straight up! I was really pleased to see that literally every single clip posted to /r/GIFsGoneWild was via GFYCat – there are some subreddits that have the native player enabled and honestly, that thing absolutely sucks. One of the best clips here – just because it’s so funny – is a chick fucking herself with a door-mounted dildo using a pretty smart method to do so. I also loved the fact that this petite Muslim chick stripped down and showed everyone her barely legal body – gotta love those religious broads! I saw very little hardcore content here: it seems that GIFs Gone Wild mainly looks at softcore, solo babes in heat.

Final thoughts on GIFs Gone Wild

So all things considered, GIFs Gone Wild is a great place to get your hands on some authentic, original material from the sexiest chicks Reddit has to offer. Submission rates are a little below what I’d really like, but it’s not all that bad in the grand scheme of things. It seems like they run a pretty tight ship here and the sidebar has a bunch of rules to follow: this is likely one of the reasons why posts don’t come in a bit more often. Anyway – I’m still signing off on /r/GIFsGoneWild, so go right ahead and enjoy these XXX amateur Reddit porn clips!

  • Original content
  • Hot porn clips
  • Amateur babes
  • Average submission rates
  • Lots of rules