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The Geek goes gay for GoGayTube

From the moment you arrive on GoGayTube, you get the impression that this is an excellent gay porn site. The amount of porn on this site is pretty overwhelming. There are thousands of porn videos on here. Now, after a quick look around this gay site, I can say that most of the porn on this site is full-length porn scenes too. There are also shit loads of full porn videos too. Of course, with thousands of porn videos, I am sure that there are plenty of porn videos on this site that are a few minutes long. Still, GoGayTube keeps this shit locked away as I couldn’t find any.

The categories and porn videos on GoGayTube

Of course, to be an excellent site, you need to have thousands of porn videos. However, you also need plenty of ways to filter the porn too. No one is into every porn video on every site, so without filtering options for the porn, a porn site can feel like a massive plate of food: you don’t know where to start. GoGayTube has hundreds of porn categories for its porn. The porn videos are separated to make it easy to find the porn you want to watch and the thumbnails of the porn categories are pretty good at telling you what a porn category is at a glance. Honestly, GoGayTube seems like one of the most comprehensive porn sites that I have ever seen!

My final thoughts on GoGayTube

I think that GoGayTube has one of the most competent filtering options of any site that I have ever reviewed, but it seriously needs it. I was blown away with how many porn videos were on this site. Without the categories, pornstar directory, channels and more, it would be impossible to find a porn video to enjoy. I think that Go Gay Tube is a fantastic gay site and one of the strongest that I have reviewed because of the quality of the porn, the amount, and how well the site works. So, go and check this site out!

  • Loads of categories
  • Mostly full-length scenes
  • Thousands of videos
  • Some ads