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Gone Mild: Mr. Porn Geek’s professional analysis

The most popular NSFW community by far on Reddit goes by the name of GoneWild: it’s where chicks go to share their naked selfies and other raunchy photos. Today, I’m going to be looking at a sister community of GoneWild where things are a little more relaxed and not as erotic. It’s called Gone Mild and the idea here is that girls share their cute pictures and teasing pictures. It’s like GW, only it’s a little more … mild! Which is where the name comes from. Anyhow, continue reading down below if you’d like Mr. Porn Geek’s full thoughts and analysis on this hub: I recommend reading it for your own sake!

Objective metric analysis on Gone Mild

I was surprised to see just how old the subreddit was: /r/GoneMild was created back in October of 2009 and has been running a smooth operation ever since. There are 240,000 subscribers, which puts it just outside the top 100 NSFW communities by number of followers. For these types of places, submission rates are the most important factor to consider – so how does /r/GoneMild hold up? If we sort all posts by new, you’ll see that just over 50 new additions are put here on a daily basis. For a community of this size, this is quite a bit above average: pretty decent given the fact that it’s all original content!

/r/GoneMild: enjoying the content

If you’re not sure what I mean by ‘original content’, the focus here is on people sharing their own images: it’s not submitting amateur pictures of others. This means that all of the babes featured in the links are the ones actually posting the images – it adds a whole new layer of amateur deliciousness to the experience! Anyway, to test the content here, I went ahead and sorted posts by rating from the last year: I figured this would give us the best understanding of what current users on Gone Mild enjoy. The top links are almost all girls in sexy underwear posing in front of a mirror – can’t really going wrong with that now, can you? The only issue I had with the content here was the fact that /r/GoneMild doesn’t have many clips – it’s all photography. This isn’t the end of the world, but I like to see a babe move when I squeeze my hog to her.

Final thoughts on Gone Mild

Okay: I’m going to go ahead here and say that all things considered, Gone Mild is a good subreddit if this is the type of content that you like. A lot of people comment here to try and get the girls to gain confidence so that they’ll eventually post on places like /r/GoneWild. You’ve got timid and shy girls to some expect: expect that and don’t go into /r/GoneMild thinking that you’ll get fully nude chicks that are begging for a fun. I like the concept of this place and its usage as a stepping stone to full-on naked pictures, so yeah – be sure to visit /r/GoneMild when you can and enjoy the material they’ve got!

  • Lots of OC
  • Plenty of sexy babes
  • Well moderated
  • No nudity allowed
  • No clips