Website Rank #31


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What’s the crack with GotGayPorn?

GotGayPorn is a straight porn website. It isn’t, it is a site full of a pretty handsome collection of gay porn. I don’t frequent many gay porn sites, to be honest, so I don’t know if this is a massive collection of gay porn, I don’t know if this is good gay porn nor do I know much about male on male porn in general. So, this review is very much the blind leading the blind. However, if I do royally fuck this review up and sound like a complete cunt, just know that I love all you gay people out there. You are the reason why we have fancy clothes and stuff, without you life would be a little duller!

Honestly, if I do completely fuck this review up, I don’t mean any offence to any gay people who read this, I am just moron who shouldn’t be allowed to write things for people to read. When I’m not writing porn reviews, I spend my time writing on the walls of my padded cell in my own shit and blood. It passes the time, I just pretend I’m Bob Ross. Anyway, now that we have the apology to gay people out of the way, grab your bumbag and your vest that’s too small for you and let’s delve deep into the ass of this review and see what the fuck we can pull out of it, shall we?

The design of GotGayPorn

I’d imagine that somewhere out there, in the deeps of the interwebs, there is a gay porn site just like PornHub. You know, a site that looks super modern, works perfectly and has an amazing amount of porn on it. I know I’m right gay people. Well, this site isn’t that site. The design of this gay site leaves a lot to be desired. In other words, the design of GotGayPorn is awful. Well, it is just a very dated gay site. Which is quite surprising actually because all of the porn on the site works really well.

The speeds on this site are surprising because of how shit the design is. Looking at the design, background colour, layout and stuff, you would think this gay site would be powered by a steam engine, but in fact, the porn loads really quickly. If only the site looked any good, it may score higher than it’s going to.

A thing I like about GotGayPorn

I really like that the thumbnails on GotGayPorn are interactive. Just hover over them and the porn begins to play through. Not all small porn sites have this feature, and yet all sites need this feature. It is a great way of seeing if the porn video is what you want to watch. I would say that this feature isn’t as good as sites like PornHub’s version of it. The way that the thumbnails playback on this site are just snapshots from the porn, but still, you can see what is going to happen. I mean, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out what is going to happen in porn, but it is a nice little touch anyway.

Something I dislike about GotGayPorn

All of the porn that I have found on GotGayPorn thus far is really short. All told, the longest porn video I have seen on the site so far was under 10 minutes long. I am sure there are longer gay porn videos than this, I’m sure most gay porn companies now are doing very similar porn to what straight porn companies are doing and yet none of has made its way on to GotGayPorn. This is a real shame, the porn on GotGayPorn just isn’t long enough for someone to get off to.

Also, the entire porn selection on GotGayPorn looks old. Not like vintage porn or anything, but just like it was shot 10 years ago. Why? Surely there is some amazing gay porn around nowadays so why the fuck does GotGayPorn focus on all this old shit?

Something funny about gay porn

I’m just going to stop this review and discuss how shit the scenes in gay porn are. This could be because the porn on GotGayPorn is fucking terrible, but the scenes are very odd indeed. There is one scene on this site where a man is sat under a tree with a fuck load of snow around him and then he gets fucked by a random passer-by. That is all the storyline I could make out. Why the fuck was that man sat by the tree in the fucking snow? Get inside, you’ll catch your death out there! Gay porn is very odd, I feel sorry for you guys!

The Geek’s final thoughts on GotGayPorn

Well, if all gay porn is like the stuff on GotGayPorn then I feel truly sorry for gay guys. I dunno how you guys jack off to this shit! This could just be a feature on GotGayPorn as all the porn on this site looks really awful and this would go a long nicely with the shit design of this gay site. With a name like GotGayPorn, you would think this site would have some good gay porn on it. I have barely left the recently featured porn on this site and it is terrible. Gay people deserve much better porn than this GotGayPorn, you aren’t even trying.

I think that GotGayPorn gave up on their site long ago. Even though there is still gay porn being added to this site all the time, they don’t care any more. Unless this gay porn site is anti-gay people and they are actually trying to stop gay people from watching porn. If that’s the case, then the gay porn on this site makes perfect sense. But if you do care about gay people GotGayPorn, fix your site you lazy cocks!

  • Good selection of porn
  • Some HD porn
  • Bad design
  • Short videos