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Checking out HdefPorn

HdefPorn is a site that offers loads of HD porn, but I guess you guessed that shit from the name. While this site does indeed offer a shit load of HD porn, it still isn’t the perfect porn site. However, I have enjoyed my time on HdefPorn, and I think it may be worth you lovely lot checking out. That is, of course, if this site can get through this porn review without fucking up. So, with that in mind, let’s review HdefPorn, dear reader and find out what this site is made of, shall we?

The porn on HdefPorn

As I said, the porn on HdefPorn has been enjoyable. This site is full of some of the best porn to come out in recent years and, of course, all of the fucking step-sibling porn that isn’t getting tiresome at all! I cannot really fault the porn on HdefPorn too much. Although I’ll say that I haven’t found any porn on HdefPorn yet, that goes over 10 minutes. This is a bit shit, to be honest, as this site has seemingly just chopped down the porn to fit into 10 minutes and left a bunch of stuff out. So, the porn just sort of starts in the middle of the scene and some of the porn just randomly ends halfway through. I’d prefer the porn to be full-length and if that ain’t possible, what’s the issue with keeping the porn previews that other porn tube sites do?

The additions HdefPorn should make

Of course, the porn is a bit of an issue, but it is possible to jerk off on this website, so that is good. However, there are a few issues that I would like HdefPorn to address and a few things they could add to help with user experience. Firstly, the thumbnails of the porn videos are tiny, and there aren’t any titles, the porn videos do play a preview when hovered over, but that can be hard to see with such small thumbnails. Also, there is no categories or pornstar directory that I could find. The only way I can see of searching through the porn is with a search box. With so much HD porn, we need more ways of filtering it and searching through it HdefPorn!

The Geek’s final thoughts on HdefPorn

I’m kind of on the fence about HdefPorn. While the porn on this site is really enjoyable, it sucks that it isn’t the full scene and that it has just been chopped down to fit into 10 minutes. Also, the lack of categories and stuff is shit too. However, I did enjoy my time on HdefPorn. The styling of this porn site is nice, and the porn works really well. So, check out HdefPorn if you fancy watching some chopped down porn, it will get you off, you just may get blue-balled at some point!

  • Loads of HD porn
  • Acceptable design
  • Lots of awesome pornstars
  • All short porn videos
  • No titles