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Hentai GIF: Mr. Porn Geek’s review

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Mr. Porn Geek really does enjoy subreddits that have very obvious content focuses that you can determine just from the name. I mean, when you click on a link to go to a place called Hentai GIF, what are you expecting? I’ll tell you what you’re expecting: short clips of anime porn where sexy Japanese drawings are either getting fucked, teasing in schoolgirl outfits or engaging in other lewd behavior. Want to know more about the subreddit /r/Hentai_GIF and whether or not I endorse it? Continue reading and we’ll get to the bottom of what this place is all about!

Objective analysis of Hentai GIF

The community was created back in September of 2012, which means that it’s around 7 years old at the time of writing this review. There are currently 235,000+ people that follow this subreddit, so it’s pretty big in the grand scheme of things. Now if we go ahead and hit the new tab at the top of the homepage of this subreddit, you’ll see that it brings up all of the posts in chronological order. This is beneficial so we can see how often new posts are added to the archive of /r/Hentai_GIF – it was around 15 new entries on a daily basis, which isn’t exactly huge, but certainly not terrible either. I think given the double niche nature (clips and hentai), we can forgive them for not matching places like JizzedToThis and the standard /r/Hentai community when it comes to links per 24 hours.

Subjective analysis of Hentai GIF

Well, I think all that remains for me to do now is actually look at the content, right? I figured it was best to look at the top rated submissions from the last month: this ought to show us what’s good and what people love the most at /r/Hentai_GIF. One thing I really disliked about this community was the fact that a lot of people submit directly to Reddit instead of GFYCat first. The embed feature for GFYCat is fantastic – Reddit’s own video player is an absolute hunk of shit. I mean, there are subreddits that have literally banned submissions from it because it’s so terrible. Out of the top 25 posts, 10 were to GFYCat, the other 15 to Reddit: big yikes if you ask me. Anyhow, my favorite Hentai clips out of the top 25 were this one and this one: these ought to show you what you’re going to get at /r/Hentai_GIF if you decide to visit.

Conclusion: /r/Hentai_GIF

There are good things and bad things about this community. I’m in two minds given the mixture of experiences I got here, but overall I don’t think you can complain too much. I do actually think that the standard for anime entertainment is incredibly high, so yeah – I’m not going to give /r/Hentai_GIF a complete endorsement here. I’ll keep looking and if I find a better place for hentai clips on Reddit, I’ll be sure to let you folks know. For now, this is the best of a bad deal.

  • Hot hentai clips
  • Established community
  • Incredibly strict rules
  • Multiple Reddit clips