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MrPornGeek Checks out HotNTubes

HotNTubes is a porn tube site that looks familiar when I first got on it. I was hoping I was wrong, but I really thought I had reviewed this site before and it had been a bag of dicks. Thankfully I was wrong, and HotNTubes is nowhere near as bad as that other pile of dog shit! This site actually seems pretty good. It has a nice and modern design that shows the porn off really well and a ridiculous about categories. If you aren’t sure what porn your fancy watching, head over to HotNTubes because you will find a category of porn to check out, I promise you that. Anyway, let’s take a look at the porn now, shall we, and see whether this site is actually good!

The porn on HotNTubes

I really thought that HotNTubes was going to be a porn site that linked to other porn sites for its porn, that all the links would be broken and I would have to tear it a new asshole. However, in testing, all of the porn videos I tried were on HotNTubes, all of them worked, most of them were HD, and most of them were full-length porn scenes too. This is fucking amazing, well-done HotNTubes! You have actually created a site that is usuable, fun and has a crapload of porn on it! I was extremely nervous about the porn site’s chance at first, but now, I am damn excited about this site. I would like HotNTubes to add the times of the porn videos to the pages though, as that is a nice feature that is lacking on this site.

The categories on HotNTubes

So the categories on HotNTubes are crazy. There are a shit load of categories on this site, and I ain’t counting them because there must be at least a thousand! With all those categories of porn, it must be difficult to ensure that all of the porn on this site finds its way home because I have noticed that a few categories contain videos that don’t really need to be there. However, this site has probably about 1,000 categories, and even if they have 10 porn videos in each one (it is more like a hundred, at least) this is a huge amount of porn, and so I think we can forgive HotNTubes for getting some porn in the wrong place!

The Geek’s final thoughts on HotNTubes

I am impressed with HotNTubes, and that shit impresses me. I thought I would be telling you that this porn site was really bad, but nope, it is an awesome site. I have had barely any trouble with ads, and the porn has worked and been fucking awesome! If you want to check out categories stocked-full of porn, you have to check out HotNTubes, you’ll bloody love it!

  • Loads of porn
  • Lots of HD porn
  • Craploads of categories
  • Some errors in the categories