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The Geek checks out HulaPorn

HulaPorn is a site that links to all of its porn. There are some advantages to linking to porn videos. It means that this porn site loads really quickly, which is awesome. However, a huge downside to HulaPorn linking to its porn is that some of the links go to porn videos that are no longer there. Also, HulaPorn is certainly fast, but that is because the quality of the thumbnails is really low, which is a big problem too. Of course, without the actual porn video, HulaPorn cannot make an interactive thumbnail. So, you’re relying on the title of the porn video and thumbnail to tell you what the porn video is about. But there isn’t a title on any of the porn videos. So, you have a pixelated thumbnail and not much else, not the best start, HulaPorn!

The porn on HulaPorn

The porn on HulaPorn seems good until you click on it. The first porn video I clicked on stated it was about 25 minutes long. Sounds good, however, when the other site loaded, the porn video was actually only six minutes. This is a common theme on Hula Porn. The porn videos are seldom as long as this site tells you they are if they work at all.

Is HulaPorn worth your squirt?

The biggest issue for HulaPorn, of course, is that once you click on a porn video and head off to another site, you are likely to stay there. Why? Well, the porn is better, you can search for porn easier and enjoy yourself quicker!

HulaPorn feels like a porn site that someone stopped caring about a long time ago. Sure, the links to a lot of the porn works, so I think that someone is still updating HulaPorn, but the styling and the thumbnails and all that stuff just feels extremely old now. I think that most of you horny bastards would find a porn video on HulaPorn, but it won’t be the perfect porn video for your mood.

  • Thousands of free porn videos
  • Minimal ads
  • Pages load quickly
  • Low-quality thumbnails
  • Some links do not work