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The Geek checks out IMzog

Right, the moment I arrived on this site, I was ready to kick it in the balls and call it a day. I didn’t think this site was going to be any bloody good at all. However, I love sites proving me wrong, and IMzog has proved me wrong in most ways! While this site is not perfect by a long shot, it is actually far more of an impressive porn site than I first thought. So, let’s delve deep into IMzog and see why this site is actually pretty damn enjoyable.

The dusty design of IMzog

So, right off the bloody bat, you’ll notice that this site has a design straight out of the early 2000s. Okay, the design isn’t too bad, but there are certain aspects of this site’s layout and design that aren’t too great if ya ask me. Firstly, the layout of the porn categories on the homepage feels too tight, there isn’t enough blank space, and so the porn can merge into one. Also, the dark design, while pleasant on other sites, doesn’t work here. Having said all this, when you click on a porn video and it loads, the design of the site changes. This is because a lot of the porn videos are on HDzog. I am unsure if this means that IMzog is changing their porn site and this is the old site or not, but they should cos that site is a lot nicer than the old, dusty one I am currently looking at.

The porn on IMzog

I was expecting this site to be full of broken links because all porn sites that look like this have broken porn links everywhere. To test this shit, I went way back in time and started opening porn videos from four years ago. To my surprise, all of these porn videos worked. I don’t know how this shit is possible, but I am glad to be wrong about IMzog. This site has some fantastic porn on it, and I haven’t been blue-balled by any broken links since I arrived. Of course, I couldn’t check every porn video on this site, so there may be a few broken links, but 100% of porn videos working in my tests has never happened on a site like this before!

My final thoughts on IMzog

When I started this site review, I expected to be calling out IMzog here. I thought I’d be all angry and shit, but I am not. I am more than happy to say I was wrong about this site and tell you that it is well worth checking out. This site is one of the best examples of porn sites that rely on categories. I enjoyed IMzog and I am sure you lovely folk will too!

  • Loads of HD porn
  • Some full porn scenes
  • Thousands of porn videos
  • Old design
  • Category photo issues