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Independent Girls

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MrPornGeek checks out Independent Girls

IndependentGirls is an escort site that has a lot of sexy ladies on it. I have only been on this escort site for about five minutes and I have already found about five sexy ladies that I would love to hire if my cock still functioned! Unfortunately, after the accident, my cock will never be the same again, it looks like a cross between the Elephant Man and Freddie Krueger. However, just because I can’t hire one of the sexy escorts from Independent Girls, it doesn’t mean I can’t tell you all about the escorts and how stunning most of the girls.

One of my favourite parts of IndependentGirls is that they have separate sections for independent girls and agency girls. So, if you want to have the sexy security that comes with an agency girl, you can, but if you want to find a really naughty local that will “massage” your brains out, you have the independent section. The independent section of Independent Girls is where you are going to find the naughty girls, in my opinion! However, before we get too distracted by the lovely girls on IndependentGirls, let’s delve into the pussy of this review and see what this escort site is like to use.

The design Independent Girls

Unfortunately, the design of IndependentGirls doesn’t stack up when compared to the girls on the site. Compared to the girls on this site, the design is really shocking. It looks like a typical design that you’d find on any porn forum site. There is a slight forum part to Independent Girls, but does the whole site need to look like one?

The biggest issue with the design of IndependentGirls is that it is so simple and basic that it feels untrustworthy. The site doesn’t look finished and this sends alarm bells ringing. Is this escort site legit or is someone going to steal a kidney from you if you try and hire an escort from it? I honestly couldn’t tell you.

The layout of Independent Girls also feels unfinished. It is a very basic layout with the profiles of the escorts and some ads that take up the whole page which are fucking annoying. The layout of this escort site is a real disappointment, it just doesn’t feel like a professional escort site which really doesn’t make me feel comfortable about hiring an escort from this site.

The escort’s profiles on Independent Girls

Once again, the escort’s profiles on IndependentGirls do not feel professional. I have reviewed a few sites and those ones have excellent looking profiles for the girls. They have loads of information and sexy photos. The girls are trying on this escort site and they have done a great job with their profiles. Most have lots of sexy photos and as much information as they can, but the sites still feel unprofessional. This is in no way the ladies fault. The problem is that the profiles of the girls are very basic and bare and not glamorous in any way. These are the girls that are going to make money for Independent Girls so they could invest in better-looking profiles for them!

The sad fact about IndependentGirls is that the whole site seems to have been put together too quickly. There hasn’t been much thought into user experience and the girls, both of which could make Independent Girls a lot of money. Instead, they have rushed the design and quickly hacked together a profile for the girls and this simply doesn’t work for an escort site! Escort sites need to look professional to stand any chance of getting business.

Additional features for Independent Girls to consider

IndependentGirls needs to do a lot of work to get escort site up to par with the rest. There are loads of sites in the world that look so good and IndependentGirls pales in comparison to these sites. Firstly, Independent Girls needs to redo their design, it is far too basic and nowhere near professional enough to make me want to spend any money on an escort.

They also need to sort out the girl’s profiles. The profiles look really messy. It’s weird, there’s lots of information on the escort profiles, but it’s spread way too far out so it looks really messy. You want an escort profile to have all the information about the girl neatly on the page, she needs to have plenty of photos and then a description. The girl’s info doesn’t need to be spread so much across the page that we have to scroll to find out her tit size. Keep the profile pages a little more basic with fewer boxes, but improve the design of the pages to make them more professional. If you do this, Independent Girls, you have a chance to make a very professional looking escort site.

The Geeks final thoughts on Independent Girls

Well, it is a shame about the design and layout on IndependentGirls. The girls on this escort site looks really fun and so sexy, but the design and layout of the site cannot be ignored! This escort site looks so thrown together that I don’t think I could trust it to deliver what it’s offering. I am sure it is a legit escort site, but I can’t help but feel I would start feeling sleepy after meeting one of these escorts and wake up without a kidney in a bus stop! I can’t do that again, I don’t think you can function without any kidneys!

If Independent Girls was a porn site, I would be saying that the porn is fantastic and so the design and layout errors can be forgiven, but I can’t do that with an escort site. An escort site needs to look very professional, just like any business’s website and IndependentGirls misses the mark. Sorry, IndependentGirls, you do have a good base to improve on, but right now, I wouldn’t hire an escort from your site.

  • Lots of girls
  • Lots of Agencies
  • Good community
  • Basic design
Independent Girls