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Mr. Porn Geek visits Reddit’s /r/Innie

Cryptic subreddit names are never fun, so let me go ahead here and clue you in immediately as to the purpose of /r/Innie. Put simply, this is about perfect pussies that have no outside lips – just good looking slits that most girls would dream of having. Mr. Porn Geek has seen his fair share of horrific pussies (both in real life and on the Internet), so I’m looking forward to the palate cleanse that’s about to be offered to me via Innie. If you’d like to know whether this subreddit is any good or falls short of expectations, continue reading and I’ll give you the full story. Mr. Porn Geek only wants to recommend the best of the best when it comes to XXX spots on Reddit – let’s see whether or not Innie lives up to the hype!

Crunching numbers at Innie

I’m a numbers man at heart, so let’s get the objective metrics out of the way here on /r/Innie before we go jerking off to the hottest posts. To begin with, this community was created back in July of 2014 – that’s just over 5 years in the game, which makes it slightly younger as a subreddit than your average, similarly sized place. There are 190,000+ followers here, which means that /r/Innie is somewhere in the top 200 NSFW Reddit hubs based purely on the number of subscribers that it has. The last metric I want to check out is the flow rate of new submissions – it turns out that roughly 50 posts are added here on a weekly basis, which is far below what I’d expect. This isn’t the end of the world because in terms of the niche, it’s quite restrictive. Still, if you’ve got a penchant for the new, /r/Innie might let you down.

The hottest posts on Innie

Let’s go ahead now and look at some of the top submissions to this particular NSFW community. In order to check whether these pussies are A-grade, I decided to look at the highest rated posts on /r/Innie from the last year. This ought to show me what’s regularly shared and what people like the most. It shouldn’t come as a surprise, but literally every single one of the top 25 links here were to an image, as opposed to a short clip: I dislike this, but whatever. You’ll probably notice that /r/Innie also has an extreme amount of user-submitted material: original content is great, and I love the fact that so many girls share their perfect pussies. I guess in the smut department, Innie doesn’t let us down. I mean seriously: just look at how great this slit is!

Conclusion on /r/Innie

That’s it from me folks – while the rate of new posts here is on the low side, the complexion of the subreddit makes me feel confident in recommending it to you. These pussies are some of the finest I’ve seen and the fact that so many of them are from original content sharers – well that’s just the icing on the cake. As always, I’d like to thank you for reading my NSFW Reddit reviews and yeah: happy hog squeezing if you decide to venture on over to /r/Innie.

  • Good niche
  • Lots of OC
  • Hot tight pussies
  • Slow to update
  • Limited clips