Website Rank #309
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What is JavBus?

I am very confused about JavBus, from the looks of it, it looks like a Japanese porn site that has a shit load of Japanese porn on it. That would be fucking great if it were true. However, click on a link on this site and all you get is an advert for the porn film. The page that loads tells you about the porn, when it was released and that shit, but it doesn’t let you watch it. There does seem to be links to porn below all this info, but none of them work! Is JavBus a site, or is it just a kinky yellow pages?  Well, grab your sushi and wasabi and let’s get this review underway to find the fuck out!

The DVDs on JavBus

All of the DVDs on JavBus look really good. I call them DVDs because I am guessing they are Japanese porn DVDs. You can never really tell with Japanese porn because all of the porn coming out of this fine country still has a DVD-like cover promoting the porn. So I don’t know whether JavBus is advertising porn DVDs to buy or porn scenes to watch elsewhere. However, it doesn’t really matter because none of the links to the porn work anyway! All of the links on JavBus lead nowhere. Nothing downloads when you press them. Fuck all happens!

The translations on JavBus

Now, I shouldn’t talk shit about translations, even though I am about to.  I’m sure that the descriptions of the porn on JavBus are great in Japanese, I am sure they make each porno sounds amazing. However, when these are translated into English, you have no fucking clue what the porn is about at all. In fact, when you click on a DVD cover to find out more about the porn, it gets even more confusing. There’s a bunch of information on JavBus that I am sure reads really well in Japanese, but none of it makes any sense when translated. Most Japanese porn sites do struggle with this and it shouldn’t really be a problem. It is Japanese porn, most of it is good and all of the thumbnails make the porn look inviting, but I do like to know what I am clicking on and the translations do not help at all!

The Geeks final thoughts on JavBus

JavBus could hold a huge collection of Japanese porn that I couldn’t figure out how to access. For the first time in the history of my stupidity, though, this wouldn’t be my fault. JavBus has such bad descriptions when translated that even a satnav couldn’t make its way around this porn site. If JavBus does have some porn on it, then great, but it does seem like it is basically IMDB for Japanese porn. I wouldn’t actually mind that, though, if I could understand a word of what was going on!

  • Loads of DVDs
  • Nice layout
  • Badly translated