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What is JavFree?

JavFree is a site that looks amazing. This site has great style, a lovely backend that makes the porn load fuck as fuck and loads of other cool features that could put it up there with some of the greatest sites in the world. However, is JavFree all that seems? Is the porn on this site any good and are there a ton of ads to battle through to watch the porn? I cover all this sexy info and more below!

The Japanese porn on JavFree

When you first get on JavFree, all you can see is Japanese porn. There is shit loads of Japanese porn on this site and loads of it is uncensored too. If you know anything about Japanese porn, you’ll know that a lot of this shit is well over an hour long! In fact, most Japanese porn DVDs are over 4 hours long! Well, most of the Japanese porn on JavFree is about an hour-long which is pretty respectable, to be honest. Most of it is HD porn, and some of it works really well, I’ll get to the ones that don’t!

The Western porn on JavFree

So when I first arrived on JavFree, I thought it was Japanese porn all the way down. I have nothing against Japanese porn, but I was still presently surprised about finding Western porn on this site too. There are porn videos from the best pornstars in the world and from the best porn companies in the world too, and most of them are full scenes too. This is awesome and really takes JavFree to the next level.

The broken videos on JavFree

Right, here is where JavFree starts to fall down. So far, I have tried about 20 porn videos on this porn site. Of those 20, 10 have worked. This is a 50% success rate on working porn. Now, this certainly isn’t the shittest that I have seen on a porn site, but I was hoping for a lot better. Most of the broken porn on JavFree is due to ads too. If a porn video doesn’t work, it is because an ad has popped up and stopped it loading and there is no way of stopping it happening. This is fucking annoying because we’re missing out on some great porn!

Should you check out JavFree?

Fuck yeah, you should! JavFree is a really nice place to watch some porn! There are fucking shit loads of full-length porn scenes and videos on this site, and the design and styling of JavFree are nothing short of great! Just remember, though, JavFree can be frustrating. If you find a tremendous porn video that you can’t wait to watch, it has a 50% chance of working! That is a percentage that can easily kill a boner!

  • Great design
  • Full-length porn
  • HD porn
  • Some Western porn too
  • Some broken videos
  • Some ads