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JustPorno is just about pornos

JustPorno is a very fitting name for this site, and most porn sites to be honest. There aren’t many sites that sell vegetables too so I’m really not sure why JustPorno has decided that they are doing more of the porn than another site, but fuck it, it is a fitting name for a porn site!  Oddly, though, JustPorno doesn’t have too much porn on their site. In fact, for a site that focuses mostly on porn,  I would expect this site to have far more porn on it.

Is the porn on this website good enough for the lack of it to not be an issue? Is the design of this site up to par with the porn? Can I ask myself any more questions? Who knows! So, let’s grab our armour, put on our shiny helmet, get on our horses and head into this medieval porn battle that we know as a review! That will make sense when we look at this sites design!

The design of JustPorno

If you are a young porn viewer, you may not remember Myspace. Myspace was a shitty website that came before Facebook. It very much paved the way for Facebook to come in and steal all of our details. Myspace allowed you to create a page that spoke of you and your site. Of course, this meant that most people’s Myspace pages looked fucking awful because they were a reflection of the user’s personality. If you are wondering why I am explaining Myspace to you, it’s because JustPorno looks like a Myspace page.

JustPorno’s design has some shitty paisley background that I swear I had on my Myspace page. That means that this porn page has the same amount of originality as I do. That is shocking, I have as much personality and originality as a block of cheese.

Pretty much everything about the design of this site is bad. I hate that every porn video that’s HD has a giant logo in the corner of the thumbnail that explains that it’s HD. We expect porn to be HD now JustPorno so promoting videos that are HD just makes the porn videos that aren’t HD stick out like a sore cock. Everything about the design of this site just feels old, as old as a Myspace page floating around the internet waiting to find love with its shitty background and song that plays the moment you load the page!

The saving grace of JustPorno

The porn on JustPorno may save this site, if there was more of it. There are probably about 1000 videos on this site, for a site that is all about the porn, you’d expect more, wouldn’t you? However, some of the porn on this site really isn’t too bad. They have some nice long Japanese scenes and some sexy Eastern European girls in full-length scenes too. There are also some short porn scenes that are nicely edited. A lot of the porn on this site is from far-flung corners of the globe, so you likely won’t find them on other sites. Whether that is a good thing or not is your choice.

Most of the porn on JustPorno is pretty good. However, for a site that only has about 1000 videos on it, there is a lot of shit on this site too. Some of the scenes are only about four minutes long, but even those are pretty good porn. The shit thing about this site is that they have some scenes from amateurs that are under a minute. I wouldn’t mind these scenes if they were good porn, but they are shit. They are filmed on phones from 20 years ago and have pretty much fuck all to do with porn! Why the fuck are these videos on this site? They are fucking useless loads of horse shit with no reason to be on a site that is JUST ABOUT PORN!

The channels on JustPorno

The channels part of JustPorno is where you’ll find what most people call the categories section of the site. For the most porn sites, these are hidden in the menu system, you know, to make the site look a bit more professional. However, for this Myspace reject, the categories are just spread across the website in a disgusting list of bollocks and spit.

Click on any one of the categories and you are shown some more porn. However, I thought the porn on the front page of this site was shocking, Jesus Christ! The porn on the front page of JustPorno looks professionally shot by Steven Speilberg compared to the shit behind the categories on this site! The porn anywhere other than the front page of this site is so bad that I challenge anyone of you cunts to try and jerk off to it!

The Geek’s final thoughts on JustPorno

With its shitty Myspace design, bad layout, weird thumbnails and even creepier porn at every turn, JustPorno is pretty shocking. I will say that JustPorno does have a fitting name. It is all about porn, it’s just a shame that the porn is terrible. There are literally millions of porn films in the world, why the fuck did this site focus on all of the terrible stuff? Most of the porn on this site is either Japanese or Eastern European, there’s fuck loads of great porn from both of these places yet JustPorno hasn’t got any of it!

I dunno about JustPorno. I feel like I am flogging a dead horse. I think that JustPorno knows that it’s shit and knows how they are ruining the great name of porn. JustPorno just needs to start again, or don’t, I couldn’t give a shit. You’ve made a porn site that no one cares about! Wow, you really are the Myspace of porn!

  • Every video works
  • Responsive
  • Some HD porn
  • Myspace design
  • Not much porn