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MrPornGeek checks out KfapFakes

KfapFakes is a site that focuses its attention on fake nudes of Korean celebrities. I know what ya thinking, another fake nude site for Korean celebrities, don’t we have enough! I know, the Geek thought the same. However, how does KfapFakes stack up against the many millions of other fake nude sites specializing in Korean celebrities? Well, the Geek had to delve deep to find out. Also, if you are bloody confused right now, same here. To my knowledge, KfapFakes is the only site focusing on nude Koran celebrities. So chances are this site will be the best in this category, which is good!

The celebrities on KfapFakes

I have no pissing idea who any of the celebrities on KfapFakes are. Excuse me for not knowing enough about Korean celebrities to provide you sexy lot with the information you need. My time in Korea was short and non-existent, so I cannot say much about the celebrities on this porn site. What I can say is that the nudes on this are pretty well photoshopped. Some nudes on this site are pretty bloody awful, but for the most part, the images are good. So, I guess KfapFakes is pretty good then?

Is KfapFakes worth exploring?

While there isn’t too much about KfapFakes that bugs the crap out of me, this site is far from perfect. For example, the layout of the porn on this site is very strange. It is just a column of porn images that looks more like a blog than a normal porn site. This suggests that KfapFakes doesn’t have much content and is using this layout to pad out their porn.

Bar a few other minor issues, KfapFakes is pretty good. I mean the porn is just fake nude images of celebrities, so it is hardly groundbreaking, boner-inducing porn. However, if you like looking at what stars COULD look like naked, KfapFakes is probably the best way of seeing your favorite Korean celebrities in the buff.

  • Lots of well-done fakes
  • Loads of Korean celebs
  • Nice styling
  • Only Korean celebrities
  • Strange design