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Checking out the gay porn on KINGuys

KINGuys is a gay site with a slightly odd layout and a lot of pretty decent porn. All told, there are over 1,500 pages of porn on this site, don’t get too excited, this slightly odd, but modern design means that this site probably has about 500 pages of porn on a normal porn site design. However, from what I have seen, the gay porn on this site is pretty damn good, but I’ll get to the porn in a bit.

I will also cover what I didn’t like about KINGuys below too. This site is pretty good, but there are a few things that I really wasn’t keen on. So, I guess I should stop explaining this site review and actually get the fuck on with reviewing this site, hadn’t I? If you’re ready, let’s do this shit!

The modern design of KINGuys

Right, the design of KINGuys, as I said, is slightly strange. This site looks more like a blog than a typical gay site. Now, I have reviewed sites in the past that were very centered around providing news with their porn, and these look like blogs too, so I thought that KINGuys was perhaps one of these sites. However, KINGuys is a typical site in everything but design. There is no info about the porn scenes, but they are laid out like a blog. So, although this layout is slightly confusing at first, I got used to it and quickly started enjoying porn.

The styling of KINGuys is really nice. It is a very basic but modern styling that feels really nice to explore. There are a few ads on the homepage, but other than that, nothing is getting in the way of the porn at all. So yeah, the design and styling of this site are really bloody good. Also, the backend of this site keeps up nicely while playing porn videos. Even while skimming through a 20-minute porn video, there was no buffering at all. That is impressive. KINGuys seems like quite a small site, and so the fact that there is sod all buffering is exceptional! Great job on the design, styling and backend, KINGuys, you nailed it all!

The porn on KINGuys

I was a little bloody disheartened when I first started exploring the porn on KINGuys. The first few porn videos I clicked on were really bloody short, under five minutes. I really didn’t want this to be another gay site that only offers trailers to porn scenes. There are so many gay sites that do this, and those sites are pretty useless; it has to be said. Unless you last a few seconds, you ain’t cumming on those sites.

Anyway, I kept exploring the porn on KINGuys, and to my pleasant surprise, I found some damn good porn on here. I have found five scenes on the front page of KINGuys that are over 15 minutes long. This is excellent, of these five, three were full-length scenes and the other two just sort of skipped the story and got straight to the dicking. I can’t complain about the porn on this site at all. Of course, there are a few porn videos on this site that are really short, but for the most part, the porn on here is great. Most of the porn is HD, and a lot of gay pornstars are featured on this site too.

The things I didn’t like about KINGuys

As I damn well said at the start of this site review, there are a few things that I don’t like about KINGuys. The first one being the pop up ads. With each click, there is another pissing ad. I know that KINGuys needs to make some money, but fuck me this shit gets old quick! Plus, there are a few ads on each page of this site too, so ads pull double duty on this site. Now, the pop-up ads when you click on anything don’t last too long so they don’t become so unbearable that you leave the site, but they are a little annoying, so I thought I would mention them.

Also, from what I can see, there aren’t really many ways of filtering the porn. There isn’t categories, pornstars directories or even a search bar. This is a little annoying too. There are 1500 pages of porn on KINGuys, and so there surely has to be a way of filtering the porn, but I can’t bloody find it. One last thing that does annoy me a bit about KINGuys is the short porn videos. There is about a 50-50 split of short and long porn videos on this site. Now, this certainly isn’t as bad as some sites, but it isn’t as good as others either.

The Geek’s final thoughts on KINGuys

Well, having just shat all over KINGuys, I must say that I enjoyed this site. There are plenty of great porn scenes on this site that are really bloody good. This site certainly isn’t perfect, but it has a great design, some lovely styling and a really fast backend that never slows down and ruins the porn. So, all that gets a cock-hardening thumbs up from me.

However, the ads and everything else I mentioned above needs sorting out. There is a fair bit of annoying crap on KINGuys, but if you can see past that, you will enjoy the porn. There is loads of great porn on this site, and I have had a fucking whale of a time on here, but there’s some shit that makes you want to leave KINGuys too. If KINGuys could sort some of these annoying little bugs and ads out that would be lovely!

  • Some full-length porn scenes
  • Modern design
  • Hot gay guys
  • Best gay pornstars
  • Lots of short videos
  • Loads of ads