Website Rank #355
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What is Konachan

Konachan is a porn site with a fucking load of anime images on it. These anime images are some of the best I have seen, but as with all community forum sites like Konachan, there are some fuck ugly images on there too that look like a mental health act has been put in place because of this drawing being uploaded on this site. Despite some shit images, Konachan is actually quite impressive, for an anime site!

Anime porn sites are not really my thing. I can’t see the point of viewing images of animated ladies when there are a fuck load of videos of real ladies on the web getting fucked really hard. However, if anime is your sort of porn, then Konachan has a healthy collection of it, but is this site any good. Can this site get a good score? Well, grab your colouring pencils and your paper and let’s review this little cunt and find the fuck out.

A message to all sites like Konachan

Why are all porn sites like Konachan designed like this? Konachan has a forum-based design that is god awful. I hate designs like this on sites. They never show the porn off in a good light, and everything about the site just seems really unprofessional. I wish that a site like this would exist where it has a nice modern design that feels really nice. Konachan feels really awkward to navigate and don’t even get me started on the shit tags on the side of the page!

These tags are all manner of different colours, it makes you feel like you are looking at the code of this cunting website rather than the finished product! If you give a fuck about your community, Konachan, consider changing this piece of shit design. It is so old that I can see the cobwebs in the code from here. This site is dated as fuck and needs a serious design overhaul. Seriously, Konachan, your members, are creating some great images for you and you’re putting them on this cunt of a site that looks like it was born when I was just a mistake waiting to be shot out of the end of my dad’s cock on a drunken Friday! Sort it the fuck out! The design of your site and every site like these drives me crazy!

The porn on Konachan

Well, most of the porn on this shittly designed website is pretty harmless to be honest. That isn’t a good thing, Konachan, so don’t get your hopes up for a good review. What I mean by harmless, is that the porn is boring and shit! This is another massive problem with sites like Konachan. The porn is just arty farty shit with hardly anything to do with porn. I am currently on the image gallery of Konachan, and I can see eight anime images on my screen, none of the drawn ladies in these images are naked, none of them has a cock in them and none of them are eating pussy! HOW IS THIS PORN!

How can this be a porn site when nothing you have on the site is porn? It doesn’t make sense! How can Konachan call itself anything but a site with some drawings on it? However, although it is Konachan’s fault for existing, it isn’t Konachan’s fault for the images on their website (the very problem).

The community on Konachan

Typically, if a site has a healthy community, I leave the site alone because the community is clearly loving the site and the design of it and shit probably doesn’t really matter. However, the community on Konachan uploads all of the images on the site, so they are the cunts to blame for the shit porn on this site! Well, the lack of porn on the site! There isn’t any porn because these cunts are drawing fantasy images of mildly sexy women that look like Japanese schoolgirls and post these shitty photos to the site!

Yes, the drawings are very good, and you are talented, but most of these images are not porn at all! So far, I have seen two sets of drawn tits and no pussies or cocks at all! Konachan is a way of these little cunts getting their artwork out there and they don’t give a fuck about whether this artwork has anything to do with porn or not! So, even though Konachan has a large community, it is a shit community because they don’t give a fuck about Konachan and the porn they want on their site!

The Geek’s final thoughts on Konachan

As I said in past reviews, the community makes the site what it is. So, Konachan is a massive pile of dog shit that doesn’t give a fuck at all! All the community is doing on Konachan is trying to get famous for their shitty little artwork. Well, you have, well done! Our readers can see your cunty little drawings, and they think they are a pile of shit too!

Some of the images on Konachan are very well drawn, and there are clearly some very talented artists using this site, but they are using it for the wrong reasons! This isn’t a site to get mildly sexy anime photos seen, this is a site for anime porn and there is none of that at all!

The design and layout on this site is fucking shit and very much the same as every other cunt of a site like this in the world. The images are bland and not sexual at all and the community sucks the fattest of anime dicks!

  • Large collection
  • Good community
  • Good forum
  • Shit design