Website Rank #322


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Why LargePornTube, why?

LargePornTube is a tube porn that relies on you choosing your category to watch some porn. Once you’ve chosen your porn category, you get to pick from what looks to be a huge collection of porn within that category. However, looks are not what they seem to be on LargePornTube. On the face of it, LargePornTube looks like a beautiful lady full of spunk. However, dig deeper and you find a short, fucking ugly man with a mane full of a very different spunk! Let’s get the fuck into this review so that we can get the fuck out of it again.

The categories on LargePornTube

As I said, there are loads of categories on LargePornTube, this is a real plus for this porn site, and probably the only plus this site will get. There are all of the popular categories from other porn sites that you know and love and some more obscure ones too like money, for example.

Even though the categories are the best part of LargePornTube, they are still shit. All of the thumbnails of the categories on this site have nothing to do with the actual category. For example, the “old” category on here has a thumbnail of a young Japanese lady with a cock. I’ll give you some help with this LargePornTube. That photo would be great for the Japanese, teen or trans categories, but not the old category, you dumb cunts.

The porn on LargePornTube

Once again, this is shit too. Once you get through the minefield that is the categories section of this load of shit site, you then get to choose your porn video. However, choose carefully. Of the 20 or so videos I tried on this site, one worked! Most of the porn on this site has been taken down cos of copyright infringement. WHAT’S THE FUCKING POINT IN KEEPING THIS PORN ON THE SITE YOU BUNCH OF LAZY CUNTS! I can’t deal with LargePornTube any more! We haven’t even got to the shit design, shit layout, shit speeds, shit ads or the shit feeling I have when I am on this porn site. I feel like the world is crumbling down around me and the only way I can stop it is by finding a porn video on this cunt of a website that works. If that was true, we’d all be fucked!

The Geek’s final thoughts on LargePornTube

There’s not a chance in hell or the Devils bollocks that I would ever go on this site again. I would also strongly recommend that you avoid this site like clown porn too! Run the fuck away, don’t look back! Go check out the rest of our porn reviews and literally click on any other one and you’ll have a much better time! I am sorry LargePornTube, but you started it by making me witness to this cunt of a website that I would only shit on if it was on fire and my shit was made with petrol.

  • Lots of categories
  • Porn is free to view
  • Barely any working videos
  • Bad thumbnails